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Packing away scope

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I was wondering when is the best time to replace the front tube cover of my scope when I pack up after an observing session. Is it best that I let the scope come to room temp before refitting the cover, or can I just fit it on as soon as I have finished?


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Always ensure there is no moisture (condensation) before replacing any covers.


That was my think as well. Any idea on wha time scale is best to leave it for before replacing covers? Would this, I presume, also cover eyepieces and finderscopes?

With my old 4.5" scope, I would just replace the cover straight away, and put my eyepieces straight in the box without thinking about it, but now I have my new scope, I want to look after it. After all, I want it to last me the rest of my lifetime. I hope.


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Not sure of the Silica gel idea and if not sure I don't do. Good thought though and someone will have a view.

The other evening (after a cracking viewing session), I had a lot of condensation on my scope so left the cap off overnight. Kept it pointing down to avoid it becoming a natural trap for falling dust and no real signs of any on the objective in the morning.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about the dust aspect too much (although non of us like the stuff), but moisture can do serious damage. Ever seen a water damaged mirror and how the reflective coating can be lifted, or the marks that can be left on glass?

Perhaps a thin cotton cover over the scope might help if you're that worried Andy?


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Binoculars are a case in point - the best ones come with vented caps which allow the objectives to breath.

I have seen several binoculars supplied with push-fit unvented caps with their coatings damaged because the caps had sealed in dew.

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A couple of times recently i've brought the scopes in and the've been dripping with dew. I'll try and put all the stuff an a coolish room to dry out slowly with caps and cases open and put it all away the following day.

I'll stand the Newtonian with the opening facing down so not dust or lego! Ends up on the mirror. I also have lots of those little silica gel packets saved from parcels etc. I put those thing in the cases to keep moisture to a minimum.

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