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Help with Helios Telescope - which one?

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I am about to purchase a 2nd hand Helios telescope from eBay (funds are low) :hello2: and the one I want seems to be OK for what I want. However, I need some more help. The person I am buying from hasn't got the model number (apart from the brand Helios) so I can't Google the scope to get any more info. Anyway, it has a 3.75" - 4" mirror (he's not sure exactly which), focal length of 400mm and comes with a 4mm lens, 20mm lens, and 2x barlow lens. Does this all sound OK? What I want the scope for is looking at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and whatever else I can find :) Would this be suitable for this? Am I right in thinking you divide the focal length by ????? to get the magnification? Sorry, I'm new to the world of telescopes and star gazing. It doesn't come with a manual either as the guy has had it for 18 months and doesn't have this any more. Would I be able to set it up without the manual? I'm a girl so may find this a little tricky :hello2: lol. He paid £200 for it.

I've also spotted another Helios (eBay) but it's 1000mm focal length and has a 4.5" mirror. It comes with an 8mm lens, 20mm lens and 2x barlow lens. It is more expensive than the above. Which one sounds better?

Also, is there anything else I'll need to get me started apart from the scope and stand? Is a Moon filter necessary?

Replies are appreciated asap as the bidding for the first scope finishes tomorrow.

Thank you kindly! It great to be here and I can't wait to have my first scope and start to planet hop like the rest of you :)

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Got a link to the ebay lisitings at all please?

Helios became (or were taken over) by Skywatcher. A lot of the time, they are one and the same, just different branding and colours. Helios made good scopes.

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They are both around the £40 mark atm but could go up because of bidding.

I thought Skywatcher may have taken over Helios as when I Googled Helios it brought a load of Skywatcher's up. They do look pretty much the same, just different colours.

So which sounds the better option?

Thanks for the quick replies, it's much appreciated!

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If you can copy the links to ebay in here we could have a better look at what's on offer and give clearer advice. Don't worry, no one here will try and out bid you - one of the unwritten rules of SGL!

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If you can copy the links to ebay in here we could have a better look at what's on offer and give clearer advice. Don't worry, no one here will try and out bid you - one of the unwritten rules of SGL!

Here's pictures of them -

The top one is the 400mm, 3.75" - 4" mirror

The second is the 1000mm, 4.5" mirror



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The second one, I'm fairly certain, uses a corrector lens in front of the secondary to achieve the 1m focal length in a short tube.

That can make them a bit difficult to collimate with a laser but they do tend to have very sturdy secondary supports to reduce the need for collimation. It also has the advantage of being short and portable for it's aperture and being shorter it'll be a little less demanding on the mount in terms of vibration.

My first scope (which I've still got is it's big brother the 6" short tube)

The only trouble with Ebay is that to win something you've got to pay a bit more than anyone else thinks it's worth. Might be worth keeping an eye on UK Astro Buy & Sell to see what comes up there.

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Hmm, from those pics I'd go for the 2nd one as it is on an equatorial mount - bit sturdier.

What mount is the other one on?

Do you think the specs of the 2nd one is better also?

I'm really confused between the two and have to make my mind up by tomorrow. Whichever one will be best for clearer viewing of planets and easier to use I'll go for.

Thanks again!

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Anyone know what the first scope is mounted on?

Also, if I get the second scope what can I expect to see (planet wise)?

The first one is on an forked alt az mount which is basically a U shaped piece of metal that goes around the tube and attached both sides. It swivels and tilts up and down. There is a rod I think that you use to adjust the up down slowly. Never used that particular type but it looks very basic I can imagine it having a lot of play in it so that you center something let go and it disappears off out of sight at anything but the lowest magnification. Go into Toys R Us and you'll see plenty of toy telescopes on similar style mounts.

As for planets Jupiter is getting up pretty early now - that's probably the best planet for a smaller scope as it doesn't need very high magnification and should show some surface detail i.e the cloud belt. Saturn and Mars, whilst still around at sunset I think aren't worth bothering with as they're too small and low for decent views leave them 'til next time around (Saturn's rings will also be at a better tilt then). Venus should show up as a crescent shape just after sunset.

With that you should be able to see some of the brighter planetary nebulas such as M57 the Ring Nebula in Lyra. Just wait 'til Orion is back round - you'll love that. Last but not least you should see some good detail on the moon.

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the second one for me as well,i used to own a 6" Helios a cracking solid scope! very rarely needed collimating ! :hello2:

i also owned a 4.5 " reflector for years you will be able to see mars,Jupiter + 4 moons, Saturn and its rings (even better later in the year :) ) easily

as for price that's tricky are you having it posted or picking it up also is there any eyepieces sorry you probably said but i forgot to look :)

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the second one for me as well,i used to own a 6" Helios a cracking solid scope! very rarely needed collimating ! :hello2:

i also owned a 4.5 " reflector for years you will be able to see mars,Jupiter + 4 moons, Saturn and its rings (even better later in the year :hello2: ) easily

as for price that's tricky are you having it posted or picking it up also is there any eyepieces sorry you probably said but i forgot to look :)

Sounds awesome! I can't WAIT!!! :)

Do you mean lens? If so, there's a 4mm, 8mm and 2x barlow. Sorry if this is not what you mean, I'm literally learning as I read. If not, should I buy another eyepiece? That's about the only info supplied, apart from 4.5" mirror and 1000mm focal length.

I'm collecting it if I win as it's very close to where I live.

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Sounds awesome! I can't WAIT!!! :)

Do you mean lens? If so, there's a 4mm, 8mm and 2x barlow. Sorry if this is not what you mean, I'm literally learning as I read. If not, should I buy another eyepiece? That's about the only info supplied, apart from 4.5" mirror and 1000mm focal length.

I'm collecting it if I win as it's very close to where I live.

you will certainly need some less powerfull lenses (eyepeices) by that i mean maybe a 40mm and 26mm.

the larger the focal length (40mm) the lower the magnifcation,a 40mm would make a good "finder" eyepiece.

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The second one - the first ones mount will be AWFUL. Dont sweat the manul abecause that scope is basically the same as the Skywatcher SkyHAwk 1145 telescope and the manual for that is available online plus you have everyone here to help you.

Dont overbid - I have seen eople lose their marble on ebay and if stuff way off the clock and end up paying almost what a new one would cost. Bear in mind Skywatcher 130 scopes on an EQ2 (which is better than either of those scopes) regularly come up for £100.

Take a look also at TAL-1 telescopes which come up - they regularly go on ebay at around £35-40 and would be more than a match for either of those scopes - TAL kit is hevy thiough so if you need portability they arent very suitable. They do have good optics and rock solid mounts. Avoid early ones - again just ask on here and people will help. If your worried about posting the ebay link on here then send me a private message and I'll take a look - I wont be bidding againts you for sure.

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The first one is on an forked alt az mount which is basically a U shaped piece of metal that goes around the tube and attached both sides. It swivels and tilts up and down. There is a rod I think that you use to adjust the up down slowly. Never used that particular type but it looks very basic I can imagine it having a lot of play in it so that you center something let go and it disappears off out of sight at anything but the lowest magnification. Go into Toys R Us and you'll see plenty of toy telescopes on similar style mounts.

As for planets Jupiter is getting up pretty early now - that's probably the best planet for a smaller scope as it doesn't need very high magnification and should show some surface detail i.e the cloud belt. Saturn and Mars, whilst still around at sunset I think aren't worth bothering with as they're too small and low for decent views leave them 'til next time around (Saturn's rings will also be at a better tilt then). Venus should show up as a crescent shape just after sunset.

With that you should be able to see some of the brighter planetary nebulas such as M57 the Ring Nebula in Lyra. Just wait 'til Orion is back round - you'll love that. Last but not least you should see some good detail on the moon.

Thanks for your help! I'm definitely going to leave the first one. I've just been looking at mounts and now a know a little more don't like the look of the first one. I don't fancy faffing around with the mount and having trouble positioning it, etc. as well as trying to do everything else. I've never set-up a scope in my life so I don't want things to be too difficult (well not any more than they should be) :)

Yes, Orion's Nebula is something I'm really looking forward to. Some of the images that others have taken looks amazing!

Thanks again for being so helpful. I need all the help I can get atm lol.

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I'm sorry if anyone thinks I'm being funny over posting the eBay links. It's just that this is my first scope and I really want to get it. I'm being a bit like a kid at Christmas here. I know you guys all already have scopes (and 10x better than this probably) but you just never know if there are any other 'newbies' around :) lol. I'm also on a TIGHT budget so I'm hoping that the bidding doesn't go too high. I'm also one of those people that once my heart is set on something has to have it.

You've all been extremely helpful and it's much appreciated!!!

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The second one - the first ones mount will be AWFUL. Dont sweat the manul abecause that scope is basically the same as the Skywatcher SkyHAwk 1145 telescope and the manual for that is available online plus you have everyone here to help you.

Dont overbid - I have seen eople lose their marble on ebay and if stuff way off the clock and end up paying almost what a new one would cost. Bear in mind Skywatcher 130 scopes on an EQ2 (which is better than either of those scopes) regularly come up for £100.

Take a look also at TAL-1 telescopes which come up - they regularly go on ebay at around £35-40 and would be more than a match for either of those scopes - TAL kit is hevy thiough so if you need portability they arent very suitable. They do have good optics and rock solid mounts. Avoid early ones - again just ask on here and people will help. If your worried about posting the ebay link on here then send me a private message and I'll take a look - I wont be bidding againts you for sure.

That's interesting, thank you. I will keep my eyes open for the TAL-1. I have 3 days until this finishes on eBay so I'll still be searching from now until then just in case something better comes along.

I've also seen people do some crazy bidding on eBay and I won't be one of them (I wish I could afford to right now) :) and I'll definitely stay within a reasonable budget.

It's also nice to know there are manuals online too. You never know when you're going to loose something like that (well I don't anyway).

Thanks for the input! Oh, and great username and avatar btw :)

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I don't know, call me paranoid etc, but there seem to be two Helios scopes for sale on ebay at the moment very like the second one above, apparently one in Leicester and one in Redditch - but it looks very much to me that the photos were taken in the same room! Two different sellers too...hmmm! Possibly the same scope, just turned around..hmmm, bit strange!

I'd check it out to be honest before parting with any money!

Sorry, not trying to be a 'scaremonger', but....!


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