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An unscientific comparison...


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I am guessing that the modifications made to the 1000d in removing the IR /UV filter then replacing it with a clip filter that allows more IR/UV through, is probably what this is showing.

The first 2 images only look right to us as our eye's filter the ir/uv out so we see the spectrum clearer or should I say, more like we would expect to see normally.

Kinda similiar to our atmosphere scattering/filtering blue light more than yellow/red and therefore the sun looks yellow/orange when it's actually yellow/green.

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Ok Try These...

All shot at 50mm FL NO filters on lenses ISO400 Daylight White Balance as Jpegs

The spectra (still not sure what generating it in the bedroom) was reflected onto a sheet of A4 white paper blutacked to the bedroom door...

Nikon D200 (Standard)


Canon 550D (Standard)


Canon 1000D Baader BCF Replacement filter


Canon 1000D Baader BCF Repalcement Filter + Astronomik CLS CCD Clip In


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Spoken to SCSAstro (UK Hutech Distributor) the IDAS is now available in what Hutech call "Front Filter" format which is their version of the Clip in System like the Astronomiks use ...

The list price in the US is $249 so waiting for a UK price and delivery... it's also been "improved" to V4...


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Hi Ron,

The modified 1000D response is ideal for astro... The CLS-CDD is very good but harsh LP filter making it difficult to get any "yellowish stars"...

I much prefer the Hutech IDAS .. so now its available as a clip in ... provided the UK price is right I just got to have one :)


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