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My little mate.


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My wife rang me from work today to tell me that one of her clients had bought their 8 year old son in with them and when my wife asked him what he wants to be when he grows up he said he wants to be an astronomer. My wife proceeded to tell him about my interest in astronomy and the little lad got so excited that he wanted to speak to me on the phone, he asked me of any forums based in the UK he could go onto and naturally I pointed him to SGL and I told him all about Stellarium which he wants to download and next week his mum is bringing him round to have a look at my stuff.

He could'nt believe that I can see the rings of Saturn and the Andromeda galaxy from my back garden.

Methinks we have a budding future astronomer on our hands and who knows with a little bit of careful guidance I may actually help him on his way.

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Seeing the look on a kids face when the look through a scope for the first time and see the Moon is PRICELESS.

Thats all that MOST kids want to see. The fact that your lil mate is already into astronomy means he will want you to show him the whole universe in one session.


Make sure you have a moon filter for when he visits. I can only guess as to its apparent brightness in a 12" scope.

I wish you the clearest of clear skies for when he joins you on an observing session. Please do let us know how you get on.

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He does not live far from me so even if it not clear next week I think I am going to have a regular visitor for when it is.

His enthusiasm is fantastic , he already watches all the astro programmes on the discovery channels and where he lives it is a lot darker than where I am so I foresee a scope coming his way in the not too distant future.

( Uncle) Vlebo

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