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Telrad Tip

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I bought some transparency film today to print a primary mirror centering template. I also have a laminator, so, I drew out a scale telrad reticle in my graphics package, then copy pasted six of them onto A4 and printed the design onto a transparency, cut them out and then laminated them to give me six of these, very useful and easy to make :-


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I've had a couple of messages from people who don't have laminators etc to ask if I'll make some of these up and pass on for a fee. When I made mine, I basically cut up a couple of A4 laminating pouches but if enough people want them I'll pick up some ID card pouches and do it with those. I'll work out a price and repost but in the meantime, anyone iterested, please add a note here so i can get an idea of numbers.


Priced up credit card sized laminating pouches etc and combined with transparency cost and time taken, I reckon a fair price is 3.00 for six of these including postage. I get six to an A4 sheet and it allows for spares/loss etc.

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Forgot to mention, the scale of these is bang on for Sky & Telescopes Pocket Sky Guide and also for these :-

Messier Maps

Obviously it's not feasable to do them for such as stellarium or Cartes Du Ciel as they have zoom/print options.

I use the above linked charts and have a set of those laminated so they are weatherproof. Great for planning a nights looking, if I can remember what that's like with all this damn cloud.

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