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am i the only one staying up tonight for jupiter?

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Just had some pretty nice views but it is still quite low,would like to stay up later for when it gets a bit higher but my beds calling me ;)

Only used c80ed and max power was 133x.it was still very very bright and really could of done with a filter to make it easier to see details.

saying that it looked massive at that magnification so cant wait for my tmb 6mm to arrive.

Band was easily visible,some shading on the planet too.

Thats it really,just wanted a look at it as not viewed it for ages.

Hope yours was ok,or is ok :)


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Am camping in the peak district at the moment and took the chance to get my first look at Jupiter tonight.

After creeping out of my tent at 1pm I saw Jupiter immediately and decided to get the scope out of the boot. As there were people in tents around me I had to be silent which meant it took me a good 15 mins to set up, by that time of course a big band of cloud set in ;)

Decided to wait it out though as I was, am still am, wide awake. I'm glad I did, there is a lot to see, could clearly see 4 moons and banding, just a shame the moon was so bright, it negated the lack of light pollution.

Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk

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Goog going Gaz, thats a long wait staying up for Jupiter. I had a very good view sunday morning. Used the Skywatcher LPR to calm things down and help see some details.

I was planning on a third early morning of Jupiter viewing but i was dead beat when i went to bed and didn't wake until 5am. Slept right through the 3.30am alarm.

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Yes Yes Yes, by chance though. It was completly overcast last evening, so gave no thought to any observing.

At 1am I went to lock up and poked me head outside, YIKES a clear sky and Jupiter poking through just above the rooftops.

Nipped indoors collected the tripod and me Quanum 6's, set up and had a good look at Jupiter. 1st time this year and 1st time through the Quantums. Well the view was quite good, three moons but no banding seen on the planet, I think this was because of the low elivation and the fact of the moon washing out the sky just a few clicks away.


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