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Canon 450d advice needed

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Don't know if I missing something here. I have a programmable remote control which I've been using for my old Canon 400D, and want to use it for my new Canon 450d. It plugs into the side of the camera, and works fine on the 400d.

When I go to the settings on the 450d to set it for Remote control use, the only setting which seems compatible is 'Self Timer/Remote Control'. The result is that you can't seem to use the remote control WITHOUT the self-timer. The annoying effect is that I have to wait 10 seconds for the self-timer to go off each time I want to take a picture.

Am I doing something wrong here? How can I use the remote without having to use the self-timer? There doesn't seem to be anything in Custom Settings, and I can't find the handbook.

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You don't have to make ANY specific setting on the camera - just leave the camera as though you were going to take photos using the shutter button, plug in the external programmable shutter release and away you go. If you want to take exposures greater than 30 seconds, select 'manual' mode and set the shutter to 'bulb'.

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I tried that. The trouble is that the programmable remote doesn't seem to cope with Mirror Lock on the 450d. The Mirror goes up, but the shutter doesn't open till the end of the time period which I've set.

On the 400d, the Remote control setting seemed to 'understand' the concept and opened the shutter a couple of seconds after the mirror went up. Sorry if I haven't explained it clearly! I'll tinker till I get it right.

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If you are using mirror lock you need to programme the remote switch. When the first instruction is sent to the camera, to take an exposure, it simply lifts the mirror. The camera is then waiting for the next instruction to open the shutter and then another to close it.

I would play with the camera in mirror lock mode taking general daytime photos to see how the system works before taking astro photos.

If this does not work I will have a go with my remote switch to see if I have forgotten something.


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Well, I've found a solution although it might not be the correct one. I've set the Drive Mode to

'Self-timer: 2 secs'. Now, when I use the remote controller, the Mirror flips up, then 2 seconds later the exposure starts. Anyway, seems to work.

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