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Collimation issue?

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Hi everyone,

I was looking at some stars this evening (I also saw ISS and Progress - I could see the shaping of the Progress ;)) and I noticed that there was a spike of light pointing in the same direction every time on the brighter stars. I assume it's a collimation issue?


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I've been getting this 'spiking' down here since about mid March (with my ST120 refractor).Viewing hasn't been too good at all since.

It wouldn't be high altitude ash would it? There's been all sorts of volcanic activity, not just in Iceland, and the upper atmosphere seems to be a bit hazy at the best of times.

When it started I couldn't get any sort of focus without big spikes, and I was starting to wonder if the focuser had a nervous breakdown and fallen apart or something. ;)

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If its a single spike on bright objects with the reflector it might be thermal issues.

I have seen my newt suffer from this at times usually when the scope hasnt cooled enough. It creates like a single bright line away from an object.

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