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C/2009-K5- McNaught

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I had a go at this last night while waiting for C/2009-R1 ( by 2:30 it was still hiding behind trees so I gave in).

At mag 11.5 not much showing but better than nothing.

The images were all shot at the same time ,close in with the newt and HX916 and wide with My 1000d ( mounted crudely on the back of the newt) and a £15 200mm lens from ebay, all guided with my 80Ed.

The newt shots came from 18 @ 2 mins and the DSLR shot came from 19 @ 3 min's.

The DSLR shot is a straight stack on the stars so there is drift in the comet( which is bottom middle because I had no adjustment because of the way I mounted the DSLR directly to the newt rings) , the galaxy in shot is NGC2403.



And a crop of the same shot.


The HX916 stack didn't come out very well.:rolleyes:


And a gif of the same data showing the movement.


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Thank's Kevin.:rolleyes:

Is what you see as the second tail at 5 O'clock in relation to the comet on the HX916 image?

If so, that's a star trail from the stack I did on the comet which I dropped into a stack on the stars.:)


Here a less messed with stack.


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