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Back from Roger's...


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After a fantastic day at Roger's I am now back at home and the proud owner of a NS8 GPS! It looks absolutely fantastic and during the demo I was impressed with the speed at which alignment can be achieved and just how quiet the thing is.

More impressive still was Roger's set up, hospitality and enthusiasm for this hobby.

I spent over four hours with him and was taught all of the main points with my new scope (including the fastar setup) but also given a tutorial in imaging including KCC Tools, Registax and Maxim. I even got to have a go on a moon file that Roger had saved. Then there was the tour of just a part of Roger's portfolio. The quality of his work is just awesome - as everyone knows.

I think it will be a little while before I start imaging, but I have the confidence to give it a go now and have to thank Roger for that.

I have to say that looking at Roger's 'shed' I am certainly having ideas of my own. Not only was everything there required for an imaging session and set out neatly, but it was cosy and warm too! (Complete with tele). I have to say, even if I can't manage quite such a good setup I will certainly try to get a smaller shed to store equipment in a similar way.

I must get back to my new scope and start praying for the clouds to stay broken but I wanted to write this as Roger deserves all the credit I can possibly heap on him. He is a top man and I am glad to have met him. (And his wife who provided fantastic sandwiches!)

So, back to the scope, I look forward to telling you all what I see through that monster 2" 40mm eyepiece Roger included!

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Strangely enough I managed to find it straight away - beginners' luck I guess!

It's back in the house now as it looked like rain. I am still looking out every two minutes or so - just in case there's a break in the clouds!

Roger, are you going to have to change your login now? I can't make anything with Skywatcher, maybe Syntascope!

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