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Not as bad as I thought

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OK, it isn't going to win any prizes, but for 32x 15second exposures, it could have been a lot worse (my previous attempt, due to catastrophic focussing - if you can even call it 'focussing' - was).

Curiously, even though I was aiming to get M81, I think M82 looks better.

Nothing special in the way of processing, just threw the lights together with darks & master bias into DSS and then tweaked in Registax. I was impressed with the way DSS coped with a major shift in position between the first 30 and final 10 shots I took.

All I need now is about 10x as many data shots ... and a lot more processing practice ...

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Russ and I obviously had the same idea! Nice one, Russ. This is my version with a brief explanation of the workflow:-

1. Adjust Levels to boost detail

2. Run Noel Carboni's LP Removal tool

3. Select the galaxies, invert them and run Gradient Exterminator to help remove colour gradient

4. Boost Saturation using an 'action' of my own

5. Copy to new file and convert to LAB colour

6. Select 'a' channel and increase contrast to boost red

7. Copy LAB version and paste on top of original

7. Convert top layer to Layer Mask

8 Use paint brush to paint in the galaxy regions only


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Unfortunately we don't have Photoshop at work so i had to make do with Paint.net. Just played with the levels, curves as there are no other options. :) I've lost the colour though, Steve has shown how it's done properly. :D

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A good start! Incidentally, did you use a Light Pollution filter?

I just use a basic Skywatcher LP filter when imaging, and it makes a massive difference to the background pink glow.

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OK, thanks ... does your book contain an explanation of your explanation?:D

The book contains some of this for both PhotoShop and 'The Gimp' (free software) but purchase of the book will also shortly give you access to some online content for book purchasers only that will detail these techniques for you. The techniques are also demonstrated at SGL Imaging days.

Steve has shown how it's done properly. :)

Not at all, Russ you have bought out some great detail that was hidden in the original image and I'm impressed that Paint.net can be used so effectively!

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... but purchase of the book will also shortly give you access to some online content for book purchasers only that will detail these techniques for you.

Sorry to go OT.

Will that be retrospective for people who already own the book Steve?

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I am on to BT at this moment - it was obviously working a short while ago s I got the order for a book! I suspect that there is a DNS fault with my host (BT).

I hope that normal service will be resumed shortly!

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Will that be retrospective for people who already own the book Steve?

Oh yes, old and new purchasers will have access to the content (this was/is covered in the letter enclosed with the book that goes out).

Good old BT, they have resolved the situation for me while I was speaking to them so the website is back up and running!

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Oh yes, old and new purchasers will have access to the content (this was/is covered in the letter enclosed with the book that goes out).

Oops...! I know I should have kept that bit safe...

On another note Steves book is essential reading at any time although ideally before you start down the road of imaging... helps you make the right "informed" decisions on what kit to buy...

(says the guy with a fork mounted f10 SCT on a wedge in an obs...rather than something sensible on a GEM....)


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You won't regret it... it will save you a load of time and possibly a load of cash in the future...Peter...

And, if nothing else, I have direct access to the author through the forum to ask "what did you mean when you said ..." That's worth £20 in itself

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Steve (Stepenwolf) is one of the good guys.

He's been there done it and got the T-Shirt.... He likes to "tinker" to get the best out of kit and puts the effort in to do it and then pass the knowledge on...


Steve - That is waht you wanted me to say isnt it :D


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