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XP to Win 7 ???

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Am I right in understanding that under the XP mode in W7, XP programs /apps that required XP drivers will still run without W7 drivers ??

I'm thinking of switching the PC initially but if it's okay then I'll switch the lappy too. TBH the lappy is the real concern since all the imaging/stargazing stuff is on there and I don't want to be left in a position where data etc can't be easily transferred. Of course there is also the question of lappy/PC communication via the network?? if running different OS will this still be capable??


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The answer is that it depends...

Windows XP mode runs a full version of XP inside a virtual machine (like VMWare) on Windows 7. Most of the hardware the XP install sees is emulated. However, if you have a USB device that doesn't have Windows 7 drivers, you can often get it to work inside XP mode using the XP drivers. I've done this with a USB<->Serial converter.

Most applications will be perfectly happy under Windows 7 - only the most oddball will need XP mode.

What devices/software are you particularly concerned about? Maybe someone here has experience to share?


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I am running Vista home, XP Pro and Win7 home on various machines across my LAN and so far have no problems with talking to each other ie shared drives, Remote control where available, also have a linux NAS Drive which acts as a data server and all computers happily store data on it and access it. Sometimes I have to use a FTP program to manage the NAS due to permissions. So cross network should be no problem.

I have had a few issues with older problems with Win 7 but I am running the 64bit version and I think that complicates things, skymap 3.4 (old I know but I bought it so I want to use it) will not install under win7 64 bit, its fine under Vista 32bit.

I think the issues may be with hardware that doesn't have Win7 drivers in particular 64 bit drivers if you go that way. You can check compatibility on Microsofts web site for your computers.

Edit. just had a brainwave it was skymap installer copied an installed version from vista and it works :-)

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I can see the point of the main PC but why change the imaging lappy ... if it aint broke... dont fix it... unfortunately I never listen to that one myself either :D


Given the answers above Peter, it's unlikely I'll fiddle with the lappy if there are no network/communication issues TBH, but the PC ought to run with some improvement, I may even run it in 64bit mode since it can ??

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Not much point in running in 64 bit mode unless you (a) have 4gb+ memory or (:D need to particularly run a 64 bit application that has no 32 bit version.

64 bit versions of the OS eat more memory, since they have to keep the 64 bit versions of code in memory for 64 bit apps (like Windows Explorer and the system apps) and also the 32 bit versions for all of your 32 bit apps.


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You could always use VMWare Player to build a Windows 7 virtual machine on your PC and/or laptop - no need to activate the licence as you can load and test all the apps and driver compatibility etc etc within the 30 day period. You just need a Windows 7 installation disk...

I run a Windows 7 virtual machine quite happily on a Windows XP desktop PC with Pentium 4 2.8GHz and 2GB RAM. This is what I use to check application and driver compatibility for the various Vixen products.

Cheers, Pete

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I have a workaround tip.

A lot of XP software won't install in W7. However, most of those won't install from the disk, they will install if you copy the installation files onto the hard drive.

My Nikon NX software won't run on W7, and Nikon won't update it saying you have to spend £190 to get NX2. However... I have it installed just fine...

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The only thing I have found that does not work on my windows 7 PC down the shed is my modified SPC900NC webcam. The cam itself functions perfectly provided the parallel port for mod control is not connected and the mod mode is switched off, but turn it on and it stops.

Still trying to work that one out, it's a bit odd.

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