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Which telescope?

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Hi, everyone!

This is my first post, and I am going over a topic that, I'm sure, you've seen many, many times in the forums: which scope to buy?

First, a bit of background: I started stargazing about 6 months ago with a pair of cheap-ish 10x50 binoculars. Since then, I've had lots of nights of fun (well, as many as the weather has allowed), but I feel that I would like something more powerful than my 10x50, so I thought the time had come to get my first scope. I would use it mainly during the weekend, and I would be moving it quite often from place to place, since I don't always stay at the same place.

Since I am on a budget, I have been doing plenty of research so that I could get the best deal at the best price. I decided to go for a Newtonian reflector, but there are so, so many. Finally, I have narrowed my search down to two scopes that are at the limit of my budget:

- Skywatcher Explorer 130P on an EQ2 mount (due to the good reviews)

- Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian (for the easy setup and the portability)

Both telescopes can be purchased for more or less the same money, so I decided to read reviews and read forums to find out what users prefer or what experts say. However, I have found fervent followers of both scopes wherever I have searched, which has made the decision even more difficult :S

That's why I finally decided to seek help asking on forums. Which piece off equipment would you guys recommend, and why?

Sorry to go over this ages-old beginners question once again ;)

Thank you very much for your help!



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Hi Diego, welcome to SGL... Of those two... I'd go for the 150p Dob. Easy to setup, larger aperture will allow you to see more. And the directions make a lot more sense when starting out, than an EQ mount.

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I agree with John, dobsonians are far more easier to use and the 150P will outshine the 130P on everything you look at. Only thing dobs cannot do is astrophotography but it's best to learn the sky first IMO.

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Hi there!

Thank you very much for your replies. I probably will go for the dob, then :) However, I have never seen a dob in use (I told you I was an absolute noob :(), and I wonder if it is a bit awkward to use? Especiall, in the Skyliner, it seems to me that the scopefinder is in a position in which you would have to really twist your neck to use it :S

Is there any advice or experience that you could give me? Maybe there's even a thread about this already ;)

Once again, thank you very much for your help.



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Another vote for the dobsonian here. And replace the finder with a red dot type as already suggested. Simplicity itself to use and delivers the goods with regards to views.

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Hi everyone!

I finally decided to go for the dob, as sugested. I just purchased it at FLO, and I am already impatient to have it in my hands ;) I am so happy to finally have bought a scope, since I have been doing research for months! It really is a relief :)

Now it's just a matter of waiting. I hope the good weather stays long enough to be able to use it as soon as it arrives :(

Thank you all for your help :(



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