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Lunar X 22nd March 2010 - 20:45


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I hadn't planned to image anything as it was raining when I got home and I hadn't checked the forecast (how remiss of me :))

I decided to try and observe this as I'd never seen it before, I dragged out the 8" dob (that I'm selling at the weekend :mad:) and the X just jumped out at me. Zero cooldown time and it still looked okay, although I'm sure it would have been even better if the 'scope had been outside for an hour or so.

Anyway I couldn't resist trying to get an image of it so here's a quick snap taken with my iPhone hand held over an 8mm Baader Hyperion.




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Thanks for the comments :)

Mike, you definitely caught it, nice image.

Great shot.

I took a picture of the Moon the same night around 7pm and was a little too early. What window of opportunity is there for catching the "x" feature ?


I'm not sure Paul, but Mick (Doc) will probably know, check out his thread on last night's Lunar X, ask your question in there, I bet someone knows :mad:

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