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An early Eastern Veil Nebula NGC6992


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This was taken last thing Tuesday night during the wee hours just before Dawn, as a last minute target. I should have rotated the camera to get the correct framing but was running out of time. It needs some more time but I will probably do it again from scratch but with the CCD rotated.

A total of 1 hours and 40 minutes of exposure Taken with an 8" Altair Astro F4 Astrograph Newt and QHY8 CDD fitted with a Baader MPCC and Neodymium Filter.

Guided with a WO 66SD and DSI CCD on a Orion Sirius Mount with EQMod.

Processed with DSS and Pix Insight LE and Photoshop.




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Now that is an early one :mad: There's a certain sense of excitement though as you see these all rising in the east after winter, I did some M57's a couple of weeks back and it really put me in the mood for summer :)

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great early image especially considering it must have been very low down in the murk and suffered from massive blue extinction.

I really need to get an ABG camera to use with my AP130 for this year's summer objects.


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