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Whirlpool Galaxy with 10" and modded 300d


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I imaged all night last night, getting up at 3:30am to check progress. I was pleasantly surprised with the skies last night, initially lots of thin cloud, but this disappeared after midnight. About 3 and a half hours of data on M51, in 300s subs at ISO 800. Darks and flats subtracted, stacked in DSS. Processed in CS2.

I previously imaged this with my ED80, and was very pleased with the difference in the two scope. :headbang:

EDITED: I'm getting a bit better at the processing. Many thanks to all the members' input in the thread, and in particular to Psycho_Billy for his pointers


Spent another night doing this one:


The final one:


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Very nice result there with the dslr, the colours look natural and unforced.

You seem to have the same issues I had with my dslr, namely excessive noise in the red channel. There are techniques you can use to select the background and use perhaps heavier than normal noise reduction to reduce the effects, just make sure not to apply it to the galaxies or stars.

I dunno about you but I still get a real buzz when the first picture of the session rolls in and there is a gorgeous galaxy like that sat there :headbang: Nice work.

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The 2nd image in your first post gets my vote.:headbang:

Hope you don't mind i had a play with the noise,

I added the image as a layer to a larger canvas and rotated the image until the banding was vertical and then applied Noels Vertical banding noise reduction action rotated the image back and cropped the image to its original size.

I then ran colour bloch reduction with noels tools followed by noiseware pro to the background as a masked layer.

Finaly ran gradientx to the result.



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