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Rosette Neb., 1st go


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My 1st go at this...... :evil6: 8x10min, darks and bias. ZS66, WO Mk1 flattener, 1000d, CLS clip, HEQ5 guided. I'm pretty pleased with this, although I might have pushed it a bit far but I wanted to see how much I had caught.

(2 nights in a row, never had that this winter yet...... :D)

Anyway, comments, advice & crirism welcomed. :eek:



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Well ran it through Gradient Exterminator 1st, Adjusted the Levels, lowered the green level slightly & increased the red a little, clipped the black a bit so it would stand out more, a slight adjustment using curves. Used Unsharp Mask & reduced the noise a little, all using PSP.



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