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filter for my skywatcher 130???

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will a filter enhance the look of nebula's in my skywatcher 130??

when i look at orions nebula i just see a slight blue haze around the star, does it get any better to look at or is that just in long exposure pictures?

im still very new to all this


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There are filters that enhance the contrast of nebulae although the effects are generally subtle. The UHC and OIII filters do this although the OIII is best for slightly larger aperture scopes. First Light Optics sell the Baader ones which are pretty good.

Another (free !) trick is to use whats known as averted vision, that is to look to one side of an object rather than diectly at it - the eye is more sensitive to subtle contrast at the edges of our vision.

Also any moonlight or light pollution really drowns out nebulae and galaxies - they look much better in a really dark sky - but still don't expect views like the photos you see - our eyes can't compete with CCD's !.

On really dark nights my 4" refractor gives lovely views of the Orion Nebula (M42) and both your scopes have more aperture than that so be patient and wait for moonless skies.

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it always looks pretty much the same when i look, even if the moon is there or not.

is the horsehead nebula visible with the eye?

Believe me, on a dark moonless night deep sky objects show themselves in an entirely different light (ha, ha !) - The Orion Nebula needs low power to see it all - what eyepiece are you using ?.

The Horsehead can been seen visually with a large scope (10" plus) on a very dark night with superb seeing and a special filter - it's a very challenging object in other words !.

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i have the standard 10 and 25mm that came with the scope and have just purchased a 5mm and a tal x2 barlow...my only problem is light pollution here and im about an hours drive away from good spots but its not worth me driving anywhere for the time it takes and how long id be there

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i have the standard 10 and 25mm that came with the scope and have just purchased a 5mm and a tal x2 barlow...my only problem is light pollution here and im about an hours drive away from good spots but its not worth me driving anywhere for the time it takes and how long id be there

What a brilliant attitude to have, in other words you cant be bothered :)

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UHC and OIII filters work best in bigger scopes. The OIII is a bit much even for my 8" I have found. The UHC would be better but I would seriously suspect that in anything smaller than 8" even the UHC might be too brutal.

The UHC and OIII filters do impart a slight color to some objects (M57 exhibits a greenish tinge for instance) but it comes at the cost of contrast. Dont expext photographic views of objects. The UHC makes some nebula easier to find by masking out surrounding stars.

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What a brilliant attitude to have, in other words you cant be bothered :)

ha ha i mean i have an 8-5 job 5 days a week and a girlfriend who wants to do things at weekend so im not left with too much time really

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I know what Superjody means....sometimes circumstances dictate the time that we can get with our scopes... i've got twins and a wife who works nights.... so it's not that I cant be bothered - more a case of I have to make do with what I have....

However,,,, once they have flown the nest and my 6 numbers have come up on the lottery, then my options will increase.

Now..... does that sort of make any sense.....

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ha ha i mean i have an 8-5 job 5 days a week and a girlfriend who wants to do things at weekend so im not left with too much time really

It is just not good enough :mad:

I have 2 step kids 3 and 5 my own baby on the way in april I have a season ticket at forest and do 50-65 hours a week at work as a lorry driver so I know how it feels to not have the time :)

One can but dream for the magic 6 numbers to come in, wonder how much I would spend on a scope then? Probaby 10's of thousands if I could do it without the mrs knowing :):mad:

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yeh dave is right, anything is better than nothing.

if my numbers came upid be out of this dump and maybe in the mountains of france or canada for snowboarding and stargazing :)

Count me in for some of that, heliboarding/powder all day and the universe at night, perfect!

If you do decide on a filter let me know what you think as I have a 130 also. (tomorrow I hope)

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Count me in for some of that, heliboarding/powder all day and the universe at night, perfect!

not up to heliboard standard yet but il soon learn ha ha...got a bit of powder riding in today....in manchester ha ha.

if i do end up with one il post it on this thread and let you know....or maybe il just put the money to my next boarding hol :)

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