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Wembley Skybeams


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Recently I have noticed that Wembley Stadium, or a concern very close to it, has a skybeam operating.

This is a new development. I am not talking about the general illumination of the arch, but a set of 4-5 rapidly moving white beams pointed into the sky from a location west of the stadium, which sometimes shine on the arch, but mostly just point into the sky.

They are doing it now (8pm Sunday) night. The sky is clear. I can see from my garden the beams passing from the horizon to the zenith. A quick piece of research on the web shows that there is an Eddie Izzard concert on at the Arena at the moment, which may or may not be connected.

Has anybody else in NW London noticed these beams, and has your astronomy been affected by them?

I am thinking of taking the matter up with Brent Council, and if I have more people prepared to put their name down objecting to the skybeams it would increase the chance of getting something done.


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I had this loads when i used to live near to the TV Studios and every December they would have the sky beams. Luckily ive moved now and i cant see them anymore. I definately know what you mean, they are a right pain.

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