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M42 01/12/09


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I think you need to build a lightbox for your Vignetting, it certainly is worth it, especially with an image like this. I had play with your image, to get rid some of the vigetting, a few passes in Gradient Exterminator. Hope you don't mind.

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Hey Dave :mad:

Another very nice image from you. If you cant be bothered with doing the flats side of things, just crop out the vignetting and take the detail for what it is. You have it absolutely crisp, and having seen how you take these pics, I can hardly believe it :icon_eek:

The pic is probably a lot better than you realise, there looks to be lots of detail in there despite the moon. I prefer your first edit as it goes ;)


PS, dont tell anyone it was me, but I fired a few of your "photon torpedos" at kelling this year one cloudy night. Excellent with rapid fire flash :hello2:

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Very nice M42, better than my attempts to date...lol. I am however interested in what Deneb mentioned, vignetting. Can you tell me what causes this as sometimes I get a bit of what I assume is vignetting now in my images and what is the best way to solve it.

Again, lovely image, thanks for sharing.


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