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R2D2 has landed well thats what its been christened here

Its a 300 flex tube

I've had a couple of runs with it and it certainly pulls in the light

I'm impressed with the optics so far

just one problem, the moon is really too bright for DSO's tonight

The other night I managed a few clusters and a couple of galaxies

The first target was M45 the main stars were dazzling with a hint of nebulosity(moon & street lamp)

I flitted around in Auriga mopping up 36,37 & 38 then dropped into Gemini but too close the the street lamp for 35

I then zipped to 31 which again was washed out by the moon but easily picked up 32 and 110 with a bit of structure in the arms

by this time it was late enough to turn off the street lamp and the moon was starting to dip to the west behind next doors garage

so what did I try

42 of course and wow with the 16mm nirvana it stretched through the field

I spent at least an hour trying each of the Nirvanas each giving splendid views

I counted 6 stars in the trap with the 4mm

now over to 35 one of my favs

I had a tweak of the collimation then went over to Mars the polar cap leapt out and i saw some surface details in the 7mm swapped over to the 4mm found a star tweaked again went back to mars and decided it was a bit too much mag

Had a break then went back out at 3-30 had another go at mars this time with the 4mm

To end the night I popped over into leo and grabbed ngc2903 the core showing well with a hint of the spiral arms



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I did not try m33 too low

110 also known as ngc205 one of the companions of m31

To be honest I find mars hard work as you need time and practice to get good results

at least this time round its got some elevation for us northerners


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Steve you mean M110 aka Ngc205.

Anyway lovely report you must have been freezing staying out all night.

Fantastic scope and you have similar eyepieces to me as I have the WO variety. But I agree the 16mm is one awesome eyepiece.

Have yet to view Mars this year in fact haven't viewed it with the 16" yet. You seem a little negative about viewing Mars.

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Nice report Steve, a really good read. Your description of NGC2903 is excellent, i can really imagine it.

You are right, Mars demands time and patience for decent results. I'm unfortunate in that my skies are poo and DSO's are non starters most nights but on the up side it means i can devote all my time to the planets.

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Steve you mean M110 aka Ngc205.

Anyway lovely report you must have been freezing staying out all night.

Fantastic scope and you have similar eyepieces to me as I have the WO variety. But I agree the 16mm is one awesome eyepiece.

Have yet to view Mars this year in fact haven't viewed it with the 16" yet. You seem a little negative about viewing Mars.

Thanks Mike now changed :icon_eek:

Mars is fine if you put the time in

I have spent literally hours and hours observing it and drawing it in the past (wish I could find the drawings)

It is worth the effort esp with your 16" (collimation is the key oh and seeing)

I was surprised the cold was not too bad last night

I even tried sketching the Christmas tree cluster


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Ah, sorry Steve, I thought you had got M31 and M33 muddled. I've not heard of M31 being too washed out to view yet M110 being visible. I guess you mean most of the detail was washed out rather than not being able to see it at all. Ignore me :icon_eek:

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