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Farewell Jupiter


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very nice indeed! Really shows what cracking optics the 8" f6 Revelation has.

Phil, do you mind me asking was the Revelation on its dob mount or on the EQ5 when you took that image? I only ask because I put the Revelation on the LXD75 mount last night and wobbly is a word i would use to describe the setup. Just wondered if you use the EQ5?


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Thanks Caz


Yes its on the EQ5 but I wouldn't recommend it to the faint hearted :shock:

I lowered the tripod by about 8" to get a bit more stability but its way too

much scope for this mount.

Still, haven't got the cash for an EQ6 which is what I'd love so have to make

use of what's available.

I got an M57 image last night with the same setup. Took 20* 30 second images

and had to scrap all but 12 for tracking errors but it got me a DSO image 8)

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but I wouldn't recommend it to the faint hearted

I lowered the tripod by about 8" to get a bit more stability but its way too

much scope for this mount.

yep that sums it up for the LXD75 as well.

Still, haven't got the cash for an EQ6 which is what I'd love so have to make

use of what's available.

ditto here

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