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Something up with FLO?


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We are not out but we are behind on our communications. A lurgy is sweeping through FLO at the moment and the kids are on their half-term hols. We will get through this and be back up to speed by the end of week.

Apologies if you have been affected.


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So FLO turns to FLU!!


;):D:D Love it

The Thing, let me just say that Steve and James at FLO are two of the GOOD guys in our Astronomical World who normally post any probs they have on this forum. A minor glitch (like every one at FLO has the dreaded lurgy) should be forgiven.

Get well soon FLO

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Ok, ok, calm down everyone. I realise that FLO are sainted beings and I wasn't criticising them, merely enquiring if they had gone off to a sales event or star party as there had been a lack of communication. I KNOW they are good guys, hence the lack of response was a bit of a worry, that's all.

Sorry to hear you're unwell and hope you get better soon.

(Actually, in my defence (but not that I should have to defend myself), I'm not to know they are unwell or have children on half term. Also a couple of months ago I enquired about an EP from them as well which was met with no response either, so one never knows...)

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Thanks for phoning Steve. You sound terrible! (In the nicest possible way!)

If I can offer volunteer help to assist you in anyway (answering e-mails or anything) then just shout.

All sorted now.

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Far be it for me as a relative newb to point this out, but I've never known service as hands on and around the clock as FLO.

TBH I've been quite blown away by the commitment these guys show in supporting the astro community. But then maybe all astro guys are like this up all night answering PMs, replying to forum threads and still having time to man the phones, chase suppliers, hose down the kids.... etc during the day.

Astronomy requires patience. Waiting for clear skies, waiting for detail to emerge during obs, waiting for the kettle. Surely we can wait a little to spend our greens. Makes it all the more fun when we do ;)

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FLO has always been spot on as far as I am concerned, but these days, I include myself in this, we require and expect instant gratification. Years ago waiting for a response or goods would be the norm and people had the patience but now our society requires instant answers, instant delivery and give out instant blame....oh well.

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