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IC342 L-Ha/R-G-B *reprocessed*


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Hi All.:D

IC342 one I had never seen or heard of until Sam (lightbucket) posted his fine image on the 13th of September.

I have been trying to get data for it since the first clear night I had after that (23rd sep) it's been a struggle I have had to bin alot of attempts at the L and colour data due to the moon being about a lot of late, not that I am complaining as I did have a great time imaging the moon.

The last two clear nights I was able to get enough colour data to Finnish the image.

The details are:


L = 55 @ 5 min's

Ha = 10 @ 10 min's

RGB = 20 @ 5 min's each bin x 1

Total imaging time 10 hours 20 min's

Taken with my HX916 CCD through my 10" F4.8 newt,guided with maxim dl through a DMK21 and 80 ED on My Conrad/Rajiva modded EQ6.

I had all sorts of trouble processing the colour data, lots of LP in the red @ 5 min's and the flats for the blue did not get rid of two large dust bunnies.

The resulting colour is probably way off but it was the best I can do

with what I have.

My next target will be a nice bright one I think.:)



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That looks a lot like my effort Mike. Scarily hard this one isn't it? I doff my cap to you for having a crack and join you in doing much easier targets :D.

BTW (and this goes for Sam too), if you want to use my luminence data (IIRC it's about 4 hours' worth) to add into the mix, PM me.


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Cheers Mike :D. To be honest my RGB processing skills aren't too great and if you've had to work hard at it, then I've got no hope!

I never posted my effort on this galaxy as I was quite disappointed at the result, but for posterity, here it is. IIRC, it's about 4 hours using the FLT98, Atik 16 HR, IDAS and IR cut filters.



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Great work Mike.

It looks like a right tricky target, both for data gathering and processing.

I would imagine that the foreground stars can become very dominant if you're not careful.



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