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Observing report 20/09/09


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The perfect combination of a night off work and a fabulous clear sky made me a very happy bunny yesterday :) The Milky Way was clearly visible from our back yard, so I set up out there as there is less light pollution than at the front, even if my field of view is more restricted out the back.

Started out at 10pm by revisiting some old favourites, making sure I can go to them at will. M15 was looking good just above the roof of our house, then I hopped over to M103 in Cassiopiea. I like the triangular shape of this open cluster and the orangey star in among the white ones. Then I popped in on the Veil Nebula - I am so hankering for an O111 filter! I can just make out the witches broom but I can only imagine how much better it will look with the filter......one day!

Time for something new to look at. I wonder if there is anything near Vega as that is in a really good position? A quick check on Stellarium tells me M57 The Ring Nebula is in Lyra. I'm giving it a go.....red dot finder to the area, look through the wide angle EP and WOW!!! Nudge it to the centre of the field of view and there it is! A disc of smudgy light with a dark centre. It is easier to see if I look to the sides of the FOV. I think this is called averted vision? But it is definitely there - Carl confirmed it for me :D Another reason to save up for that filter, methinks.

By this point there were some pretty loud Oohs and Aahs coming from Carl's direction, so I asked what he was looking at. M13 says he, so not to be outdone I check it out on Stellarium. Hmmm...a third of the way down Hercules' body on the right hand side eh? Red dot finder gets me to the spot - will it be there in the EP? Yes it will - and what an awesome sight! So pretty and sprinkly....a dense core of stars graduating out to a more diffuse outer. I had a few Oohs and Aahs of my own I can tell you.

I flit back to M57 to ensure I can remember how to find it - I do this all the time when I find new objects as I'd love to be a human GoTo...lol

What next then? I decide to try for M29 in Cygnus as I'd failed to see this last session as the moon was so bright. I'm pretty sure I'm looking in the right place - I could see an open cluster with about 8 or 9 brighter stars and some fainter ones. It is just not as impressive as M13 though! I try for this target again, but am sadly thwarted by the 6' fence! Grr....anyone got a saw?

On now to another favourite, The Andromeda Galaxy. I am loving the way I can fit M31, M32 and M110 all into my FOV if I position the scope just right. Gives me a real thrill...:)

Time for another challenge, this time I am going to aim for M52 between Cassiopiea and Cepheus. Follow the 2 right hand stars in Cassiopiea and half way to Cepheus there it is - a huge open cluster of many, many stars. Wow! :o It almost fills the whole of my EP....

Time for one more first attempt before bed. I remembered people talking about Triangulum at the SSP, so I looked it up on Stellarium. I could see the constellation, but there is a galaxy there too, so I thought I'd try for that. Following a straight line from M31 down through Mirach, then about the same distance again. It took a few scans to find the object, but suddenly I could see it - a faint fuzzy, but definitely there! Averted vision brought it out more for me - a large brighter smudge against the black background, with a brighter core. Again Carl confirmed the object I was seeing :D And looking back on Stellarium I see it is M33 - yet another one to add to my list then!

All in all I had a fantastic night's viewing with some old favourites and five new Messiers in the bag. Not bad for a Noob! I'm off to update my signature.....:)

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Sounds like we had very similar nights last night. I also managed to find five I hadn't seen before. What did you make of M52 compared to M13? I got my first look at M52 last night and although I didn't compare it directly with M13 (in hindsight I should have), I was more impressed by M52. It's a beauty.

I like your human GOTO idea. But can I ask, who or what is Carl? :o I'm guessing an observing buddy, but am asking in case you have some kind of cool astronomer robot who confirms your finds :)

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I like your human GOTO idea. But can I ask, who or what is Carl? :) I'm guessing an observing buddy, but am asking in case you have some kind of cool astronomer robot who confirms your finds :D

Hahahaha - Carl is my husband, aka the one and only Dark Knight of the above post :o


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