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Reprocessed Bubble Data....


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Because I didn't like the original much (star trails, etc), I've reprocessed my close-in bubble data.



Date: 2009-07-18

Location: South Common Observatory

Scope: Celestron C8 @ F/6.6

Camera: Starlight Xpress SXV-H9

Guide Scope: Astro Professional 102ED @ F/7

Guide Camera: SX Guidehead

Exposure (Ha): 8 x 600 seconds

Exposure (RGB): 6 x 60 seconds

Equipment setup and operation (under strict instructions!) Sam Hall

The original is here: http://deepsky.org.uk/nebula/ngc7635.shtml

Thanks for looking!



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I prefer this one to the first process of the data ...

I reckon a crop from yout latest wider field shot before re-sizing will give you a superb image...

How ruthless are you when it comes to throwing away subs in the stacking?

after last nights experiemnt I am going to reduce the Max sub exposure tiem get a load more subs and set a more rigourous llower limit to the "score" when stacking the final image.. ok its less exposure but its probably better tojust have the sharpest subs..


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Unfortunately, boy-bot (my 18 year old son, Sam) didn't get the target centred perfectly when he aligned the scope for this image - this was when he came out and took an interest :o Because of this, the bubble itself is in the lower part of the frame :)

As for how ruthless I am, the answer is 'not' - I tend not to throw anything away and let Sigma Clip do it for me - that is because I tend not to get ruined subs anymore - sigma clip nicely removes hot-pixel, satellites and aeroplanes for me :D

These subs were taken before I learnt the lesson to take more than lots of subs (I am a troll, dontcha know :))

I am going to have another go now actually - this was from a pre-existing stack, and I am not 100% happy with it yet...

I'll repost if I get anything worth looking at!



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Ah-HA! I think I've cracked it :o

I realised in a flash of inspiration where I have some convenient Bubble data lying around to add to this image, and also add to the colour - my wider-field Bubble from this week :)

So, this is now a combine of the two sets of data - MaximDL did all the work resizing everything to the narrower field of view without issue, and it seems to have nicely smoothed out the Ha data as well by adding the widefield data in :D

Without further ado, here is the new narrowfield narrowband image of the Bubble Nebula:


I would urge you to visit the full-resolution version on my website, it really does show alot more data!

Full Resolution version (click on the smaller version): Bubble Nebula Webpage and Full Resolution version

Thanks for looking!



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