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Make mine a double!

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Its been either cloudy, rainy or too windy since i got my new HEQ5 last Friday, but last night, the sky cleared for a while and the wind dropped, so outside for a few doubles with my ED80.

First up was Polaris for the alignment, nicely split in the 25mm, so I thought I would have a go for the Double Double.

Slewed to it with the 25mm, I could just see the 2 stars bulging. In with the 10mm and a lovely split on both, up to 5mm and both nice and clear. Looking good for a few more...

Next up was ALMACH. Another beautiful clear split with 10mm and I could easily see the the blue and gold pair.

Over to Alberio, lovely bright orange and blue, a fair distance apart, another lovely sight.

A quick pause while the clouds started rolling in again and slewed the scope over to Cassiopeia. First up was Eta Cass, more of a gold and purple colour for these, but clearly split with my 10mm, then on to Alpha Cass but i couldnt seem to find it, a bit of cloud I think, but I did get a look at M52 and M103, well, i think i saw M103, just a very faint open cluster, but beautiful pinpoint stars.

Last but one, as the wind was starting to pick up again, was Raselgethi and the best double tonight for me. Another very clear split with very bright colours, I saw them as red and bluey green jewels tonight against an inky black sky. Stunning.

And finally, the best of doubles, Glenmorangie, easily spotted in the Drinks Cabinet.

For a 3" aperture, this ED80 is simply superb at showing crisp pinpoint stars, and to think, i was going to use it for imaging!!!


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