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M27 from Saturday


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Beautiful night spent faffing before anything could be done. Thought I'd post this just to prove I'm still alive !!

Collimation still an issue I reckon judging from the shape of the stars ??

Guiding was , well the best it's ever been with Dec line barely moving off the centre line and just a few wee peeks from the RA (so that's one thing to be grateful for !)

Anyhow here we go, 22x 3mins, ISO 800, darks and flats, PS CS3, Cape 8", self modded Baader replacement filter 300D guided with PHD and QHY5 thru home-made 50mm finderscope.


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Yeah...Old Mr Gendler ...oh well, we all live in hope...

Here's one I did last year, pushed the red up a bit, and tweaked the surrounding bits to compensate...not the same though (lol), but this is a 314L on an ED80 at F7.5 with 10 minute subs in the UK

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Like you say Nick, we live in hope :)

I'm pretty sure it's not tracking Kevin, though I appreciate it would appear as though it is. It occurred on even the shortest of exp, ie the high ISO (3200) focus shots. a bit of tilt perhaps.

I've very carefully re-spotted the primary this afternoon using the PDF template courtesy of CatsEye and recollimated with the focuser in exactly the same position as when the cam is at focus and with the f/plane at the correct spot too. Feeling a little more hopeful for star testing it out tonight then sticking the cam on for a final field test.

Having said that I've relented and ordered a Hotech SCA 2" laser for the future-just can't be doing this, wasting so much time and more importantly good night's viewing !


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Thanks for the comment peeps.

Daz, I still have a few days left on a CCDI trial on a "new" account on my lappy so I'll take a look but judging from the palaver I had last night .........................................

I know there'll be people out there saying " I told you so .." re this scope and frankly I'm beginning to *%&%$^^*&^ off with it too, it simply doesn't seem to want to follow the rules when it comes to collimation , but having spoken to Peter N you'd think it was a doddle :), there is no offset etc just a straight fwd collimation- so when it all appears spanking thru the focuser looks sh*&e thru the scope at the stars !!! Doesn't make sense !:)

I re-spotted the primary with all the accuracy that a human could without the use of machinery/technologies, ie a v carefully sized/holed and centred spot a la Cats Eye with their template and took it from there-;):confused::(:D:) is the result.

What really upsets me is that I have seen what this scope is capable of when it's all tickety boo and it's worth it ! right now it may as well be a very expensive waste paper basket !


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