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Hunter's Moon


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I cant remember the moon being so big bright and crisp as it is now for some time.

If you are taking photos of it, please finish them before midnight, as I need to get the moon turned off by then in order to grab some deep sky stuff.

Anybody got Bruce Willis' phone number? I have a little mining/demolition job for him.


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Anybody got Bruce Willis' phone number? I have a little mining/demolition job for him.


That's funny, I was asking my husband last night if he had a spare missile he could lend me.....:D:D

Murphy's law is in operation again - full moon = crystal clear night and during the phase of the new moon = cloud. :(

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No, I meant "when it's full" as a reply to Nick's "... worth imaging..." comment Hugh, not "When's it full" :D


PS - it shines straight onto my pillow last three days and next three as well from maybe 10:15 until about 12.15. I have seriously considered binoculars in bed :)

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Just skirting behind the trees fro me at the moment... did do a cracking job of illuminating the clouds overhead lastnight whilst examining the damage caused by an articulated lorry which decided to do a 3 point turn on my drive...having apparently been lead astray by his satnav...

Drove off in a hurry with out leaving any details ...

Fortunately it was my brothers wall that got taken out rather than the reatining one on the "observatory" side...


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You DID get his license plate details didn't you

Had a funny one 10 years ago. Car in a garage, CCTV cameras etc (Petrol Station - Garage), and whilst I was paying for the fuel, some [removed word] went in to the back of our car, cracking the bumper, and a light... drove off in a hurry...

Thought...okay, no worries, they have him on CCTV...so just walked back in and asked them to keep the tape etc, until I called the police. They said "we may...we may not"...

Red rag @ bull . com......

Long "discussion" ensued, anyway, by the time the police arrived the next day, they had "overwritten" the tape..

Me guessing that it was someone they knew

So...day after that, I went to the bank and asked for £100 in pennies (one penny pieces), to which they obliged with a selection of 1p and 2p pieces in bags... weighed a bit, but worth it..

Next time I went for petrol, I filled her up, and dumped about £40 in pennies on their tray...which took them (they only had one till point!), 20 minutes to count (it's legal tender, and they could not refuse it...) causing a quite staggering queue in the forecourt... manager came out, and I reminded him of what he had done the day before, and that I was doing nothing wrong or illegal.

Did it again, and then one more time with the remaining £20, during three different shifts..

They got the hint, probably lost about £100 worth of business with people just driving off instead of waiting...and it just made me feel good inside... especially the very irate people in the queue behind me, who after I explained what the TOTAL wan**ers had done (no prizes for guessing what petrol company) were placated and very amused

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