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New 21mm Ethos at TH

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Thanks Mick for posting this info from TH. I was really keen on the new 21mm Ethos but £675 is rather too much.

I have the 13mm Ethos and was going to add the 8mm and possibly the WO Uwan 28mm but was going to wait for John's (Jahmanson) review on the Nirvana before buying the latter.

I think I need to rethink a suitable quality lens between the 13mm and 28mm which can be used on my 4" APO frac and the 10" Flextube.


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Mark, I owned the 28mm UWAN before switching to the 31T5 Nagler and the UWAN's a cracking eyepiece, worked very well in my f/5 Dob and the Nagler - at twice the price - was certainly a luxury purchase. It is a better eyepiece, but not that much better. If the SW is the same eyepiece at a cheaper price then it's even more of a bargain.

My take is that I don't need anything between the 13E and 31T5, although the Nagler's a bit big in the Pronto and I may pick up a 24mm Panoptic at some point for use there.

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Thanks Ben that is really useful. I was going to get the 28mm EP because the exit pupil would be 5.9 and. I thought that a larger EP would increase the exit pupil which might create a black blob in the centre of view.

That was my concern as well. In my scope the exit pupils are:

31T5 is 6.78mm

28 mm WO is 6.13mm

26T5 is 5.69mm

So in my books the 26T5 is the way to go.

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For my Nagler 31mm I get an EP of 6.2mm (I reckon) in my 12" F/5 dob - no sign of the secondary shadow with that or the Nirvana 28mm (which I'm sure is the same spec as a UWAN).


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Nice one John :)

I really thought that the price I paid for the E13 was pretty steep at £375 - the thought of finding that plus £300 more for a E21, no matter how good it is, is making me queasy - even a die-hard TV fan like me is going to find that very hard to justify :)


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Subtracting tax and shipping from that price suggests a $900 RRP in the States.

That seems a pretty hard sell in a recession for all but the most dedicated, the 17E is $675 while the ES20 100-degree is priced at $499. Testing on CN suggests that the ES14 only gives up a touch on the 13E too, UWAN vs. Nagler seems a reasonable analogy.

So I wonder if TeleVue will need to price it more aggressively than putting a $400 premium over the ES20 - which, guessing from the timing, seems to have forced their hand a bit - so maybe TH jumped the gun on the price. Guess time will tell!

As I said on the other thread, I really like the idea of the 21E as a replacement for the 31T5 (rather than having both), giving up a bit of TFOV for exit pupil and optical quality. So that makes the price a little easier for me, £675 is still too steep though...

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As I said on the other thread, I really like the idea of the 21E as a replacement for the 31T5 (rather than having both), giving up a bit of TFOV for exit pupil and optical quality. So that makes the price a little easier for me, £675 is still too steep though...

I guess I could consider replacing both 31T5 and 22T4 with an E21 - especially as I have some light pollution to contend with. I'd still have to find a couple of hundred quid or so though - let's hope the TH price lowers in due course.

Having a lowest power of 73x with my 12" dob seems a slightly strange initally but the Ethos is causing us to need re-think some of the old ideas :)


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