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DMK 21 problem!!!!!

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Last night, at long last, I got to try out my new DMK 21. Seeing was far from ideal but I made a capture of Jupiter, which appeared to be OK. After this first capture every attempt I made at using the camera produced the error message, 'device is in live mode, but does not seem to be delivering images'. I checked connections and even reinstalled the software, still get the same error message.

Can anybody please help me with this?

Thanks in advance. #


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I had that for a bit, drove me nuts...

It should work Ok if you lower the frame rate to 30FPS.

But on the back of my laptop, I have two identical USB ports. The DMK works fine in one but not in the other.

So try moving to a different USB port.



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I spoke to the people that sold me the camera this morning, they suggested I test the camera on a desktop machine as there might be power issues with the laptop. The camera seemed to work OK on the desktop, perhaps there is a power issue with the laptop usb ports? Seems strange as the camera has actually worked OK with the laptop, but only for enough time to capture one sequence of Jupiter! Thanks to everyone who has chipped in, your thoughts appreciated, keep 'em coming.


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Would one of those "Y" USB leads help John? The ones that have 2 plugs into the laptop and one output to the device? I think the second plug is just used to supply an extra 5v to the device....I think!!!


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