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link to advice for spotting satellites

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i use wxtrack it is a great program also as is heavens above.

i saw 2 this past week cross in my telescope eyepiece

i caught them by accident of course and they were moving fast

i track the shuttle when it is up and iss all the time

good luck

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One really nice and clever way to view satellites with your son is to do the following if you can. Get a couple of garden chairs, the ones that fold right down so you can lay there looking at the sky. Obviously a good clear night is needed. But go otside with a couple of blankets so you do not get cold, then just lay there looking into the night sky.

You will see a lot, anything with flashing green and red lights forget as they will be aircraft, but count over an hour how many things you see cross the sky, you may if your lucky see some very odd things appear and disappear, but it is good fun. Get used to spotting things, then note down times, direction of travel etc, then look them up in heavens above, it is like a reverse learning process. Hope that helps.

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Heavens above is good, but seems to only show current active satellites, so things like test and standby Iridiums don't show. This means that you might miss out on forecast double flares etc, when there is on active and one test. Two other options

calsky.com as already mentioned, and orbitron (pc application) you can use this to print out forecasts.

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