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Finally The Eagle Has Landed


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I have struggled to get this object ever since I started over three years ago. It never gets far above my neighbours house line making it difficult to image.

This was taken last night and the session had to be interrupted whilst it passed behind the apex of my neighbours roof. I managed to grab a total of 13 x 5 minute frames.




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Aye, thats a nice image there, Kev. I have some subs of this from last night (havent looked at them yet), and I had forgotten just how low it was.... wentf rom 20 degrees, up to 24 and back down again.

By the way, if anyone else is considering imaging this, its the perfect time right about now to grab this if you get the chance. It crosses the meridian at 00:00 GMT (1am BST), so you get the most time to shoot it during these short nights.

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Thats a beauty Kevin, surprised at the amount of Ha caught there in the low sky.

Thanks for the tip Steve, this one is high on my list, but I was gonna wait a while. Might drag the kit down to work one night to get a decent south horizon.


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Hi Kev- great image - very impressive. I'm now going to display my total ignorance about imaging so please correct me.

When I look in detail at the image, I can see loads of red stars. Are they really red or is it something to do with the imaging process itself ?


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