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My Object list for the Salisbury Star Party


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Here is my observing list for the forth coming Salisbury Star Party.

I used CduC to see whats above and considering what Messiers I have yet to see I have compiled this list.

All objects are calculated for midnight so adjust times as and when.

Looking East at Midnight


Ngc891 Gal

Ngc7662 Blue Snowball Neb





Ngc7331 gal

Ngc 7479 gal

Stephen's Quintet


M76 little dumbell neb


M74 Gal

Looking South at midnight



Ngc6804 planatary nebula

Ngc 6781 planatary nebula


M30 Globular cluster


M72 Globular cluster

M73 Globular cluster

Ngc 7009 Saturn nebula

Ngc 7293 Helix nebula


M75 Globular cluster

M17 Swan nebula

M18 Open cluster

M24 Open cluster

Ngc 6818 Little gem nebula


M11 Open cluster

M26 Open cluster


M16 Eagle nebula


Ngc6960 Veil nebula

Ngc7000 North American nebula


Ngc6891 Planetary nebula

Ngc 6905 Plantary nebula blue flash nebula

Ngc 7006 Globular cluster.

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Cheers Mark Ngc 7006 has been added.

I find my LB struggles with double stars. Being F4.5 it has a little coma and because of this I struggle with double stars.

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I hope we do.

It's a long way to go about 150 miles. Really though I wouldn't really be that bothered if it was cloudy as meeting all the lads and lasses on SGL makes up for it :)

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Great list Mick. I've never thought about using the constellations to organise a night's observing... seems so obvious to me now, so thank you! I think I'll concentrate on a particular area each time now, instead of changing positions so much... will make for an easier and smoother observing session. Out of interest, does anyone organise their observing reports into constellations? I was thinking about typing up each observing session into a file dedicated to specific constellations.. hmm..

Hope you have a great time at Salisbury, would love to read an observing report when you get back :)


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Great list Mick. I've never thought about using the constellations to organise a night's observing... seems so obvious to me now, so thank you! I think I'll concentrate on a particular area each time now, instead of changing positions so much... will make for an easier and soother observing session. Out of interest, does anyone organise their observing reports into constellations? I was thinking about typing up each observing session into a file dedicated to specific constellations.. hmm..

Hope you have a great time at Salisbury, would love to read an observing report when you get back :)


Amanda a few years ago I made an object by constellation list. it took me many months to compile and it's pretty big.

If it helps you and others I'll post it constellation by constellation.

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Just checking...I meant NGC 6934 in Delp the one you have listed is very challenging..

That one.

Whats the point in having a 16" scope if you do not hunt for the challenging targets :)

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What will I be looking for at midnight at the Salisbury star party?


  • an unopened bottle
  • a way to monopolise Astronut's dob without seeming to be rude
  • the caravan key.

That's challenging enough, I think...:)

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A 5" newt from a darkish site would see 90% of the list I would imagine. There are some harder stuff but not much. All the double stars are within your reach so are the clusters.

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Thanks Mick, my sight is fairly dark - need to find out the faintest mag stars I can see really. Ant's right with his comment in the thread Mick, it'd be perfect for astropedia.

I agree I've pm'd him. as soon as I've finished he can do what he wants with it. After all it's there for all SGL members.

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