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M63 L-Ha/r-g-b


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Me and M63 again.:cool:

I got the last of the data Needed for this image last night.

15 x 4 min's Ha bin x 2

So the image is now L-Ha/R-G-B ( Ha added as a 50% lighten layer on the red)

I tried to keep the Ha data as subtle as I could to try and keep a natural feel to the image, not sure if it works though.:icon_salut:



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Thanks for the feedback guys, it helps alot:headbang:.

Here's another edit , slightly less blue and a tad stronger in Ha, I went with the first post but I am still torn between the two.



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Now they are great. The detail is crisp and the colour is not overpowering. Sharp diffraction spikes and the colour layers are spot on each other. The stars are round right up to the edges too..

This is a very pleasing M63 to the eyes. Nice.


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Another masterpiece Mike, the faint edges of the galaxy have been captured nicely, as has the detail in the dust lanes.

As for colour, although it is completely subjective and also prone to individual monitors presentation of it, I prefer the second version. I spent quite some time on this with my OSC and the Ha regions shone through very strongly pinky on that, and the outer regions were perhaps less blue than other galaxies.

Great work as always, what is next on your list?


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Thanks again all for the feedback and kind comments, they are very much appreciated.:icon_salut:

As for my next target TJ, I am thinking about another go at M27, my last go was in 2007.


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