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Eastern Veil narrow band images


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3 nights in a row, the only time that's happened to me was last year at Kelling.

Given the short nights I decided to spend 3 nights on this target. Thursday and Friday were spent collecting the Ha OIII and some RGB (for the stars). I got about 200 minutes worth of SII on Saturday.

Imaging to the east isn't great for me with LP from Chesterfield but narrowband is a big help.

OIII and Ha each 29 x 5mins R+G 29x40secs and B 29x60 secs. SII 40x5mins. About 10 hours all together.

FSQ 106 and QSI 532

The first image is just Ha for red and OIII for green and blue. The RGB was used for the stars although the colour isn't paritcularly strong.

The Ha OIII SII image is hubble palate with SII-red Ha-green and OII-blue. I've attenuated the stars quite a bit in this image to enhance the nebulosity.



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Rog, specially for you, a mono image! It's the Ha and OIII combined.

Paul, there's quite a bit of SII in the veil but it is still swamped by the Ha. I had quite a lot more SII than Ha which meant I could get something out of it. The processing is a challenge! I wanted to avoid the red stars and background.


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do you feel the s2 is worth including in narrowband images.

in supernova remnants i think the S2 is a stronger than than it otherwise is.

what do you make of the QSI532. Are you enjoying the ridiculously sensitive sensor? how often is blooming an issue with narrowband filters in place?


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Thanks a lot guys, personally I like the narrow band, I think it reveals more of what is going on in the neb.

do you feel the s2 is worth including in narrowband images.

in supernova remnants i think the S2 is a stronger than than it otherwise is.

what do you make of the QSI532. Are you enjoying the ridiculously sensitive sensor? how often is blooming an issue with narrowband filters in place?


I think SII is the way to go with the 3rd channel doing narrow band but you have to be prepared to sacrifice a lot with your Ha and OIII exposure times to get that little bit extra. It's not often we get 3 nights on the trot to spend on an image! I did a very quick narrow band rosette earlier this year and the SII really did make a difference.

I didn't want to bin the SII at the short focal length I was using but I will if I am using my 10" SCT. A fast scope and sensitive camera certainly helps make full narrow band imaging a more realistic proposition for the UK

The QSI 532 is great. There was no blooming in these images. There are a few targets that would concern me e.g. that bright star in the witch's broom. The camera has exceptionally low read noise and generally I aim for a background skyglow of just 500-600ADUs. This means you can use short subs and avoid blooming but the read noise isn't a big issue. The downside is that the CCD architecture means downloads are relatively slow - around 6 secs which becomes relevant when doing very short subs (less than a minute in the case R and G when imaging to the E)

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well done Martin, it just goes to show that putting in a lot of time and effort on one target is worth it. I'm working on a wide field Veil with the FSQ/Artemis 11002 and the amount of information there in Ha and O3 is simply incredible.


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