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Check out that linky from Ian, he has plenty of worthwhile advice that has served me really well with problems with my back & hip.

Following that advice carefully I've even managed to be able to use an OmniXLT 150 as my home scope. Of course it always helps if someone is willing to give you a hand with heavy stuff like the mounts.

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I think it's a case of adapting your lifestyle to fit in with what you are able to do. After my operation on my spine I had to accept that I would no longer be able to do the things I used to and so had to look for things I could do.

I think that was harder to cope with than the actual pain at first, going from being able to play football with my son to watching, not being able to walk far without stopping every few yards etc. It still gets me down sometimes but there are a lot of people far worse off than me

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Maybe a lot of it is posture related? I had 2 prolapsed discs and a tear in another following a car accident, just returned back to work after 2yrs, now look forwards to an epidural injection every 6 months which does help but wears off well before the next injection is due... I think my posture has changed, sitting at the pc is a nightmare after a while, can no longer contort to some of the positions required for observing, thankfully the newtonian helps as I can rotate the tube in its mount for a better viewing position. You have to remain positive and quite often grin and bear it, as Wingman says,,

there is always someone worse off than me, which in a strange way gives me some comfort.

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With my "dicky ticker" (and unresponsive NHS), I did e.g. "quantise" all my equipment into (maximum) 10lb weight chunks. Also put it into stackable toolboxes, on a "Maplin" trolly. Not worried overmuch re. "dropping dead" etc. - I can e.g. still lift MUCH more, if absolutely needed, but just to make things a tad easier. :icon_salut:

But now looking more into the idea of a small, permanent (inexpensive roll-off) observatory? :cool:

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