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How is the iPhone going to handle C/2023 A3?


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I'm intrigued to see how successful the iPhone's going to be at imaging the upcoming comet. I have no pictures of it yet myself, but I do have a few widefield images taken with the iPhone 16 Pro at night. Bear in mind that these are handheld, and taken with auto settings determined by the native software, so will be the rough quality anybody with such a phone will get.



This is a handheld 3s exposure at 2x magnification, and I suppose the software is doing some stacking and alignment of shorter frames, as well as who knows what other processing, because it doesn't look like that through the live view for obvious reasons. 

If the comet does become as bright as a few negative magnitudes as some predictions seem to suggest, then I suspect there will be a significant amount of phone footage of this comet.

Here's a crop of the rough centre of that first image:


I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm quite impressed with that. That's better than my four decade old eyeballs were able to manage.

Will also be interesting to see how it handles Orion and the larger constellations.

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