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Hi All,

My in-laws live in the US and are coming over in a few weeks. Seeing as Uranometria 2000 is so expensive and difficult to get hold of here I was going to buy it and have it shipped to them. I was wondering though.....There are two books, 'Uranometria' itself and 'Uranometria Volume 3 The Deep Sky Field Guide'. I've read a review of the latter, but it wasn't very clear. Does the DSFG have the star maps from U2000, or does one usually have to buy both books?

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Woo, never knew Uranometria 2000 was rare. I've got a copy on my bookcase which I look at about once a month. It's a cracking book, but does nothing the free Mag 7 star charts won't do. A friend of mine printed out the Mag 7 charts, laminated them and put them in a ring folder - jobsagoodun!

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Vol 1 has the maps, Vol3 is the detailed catalogue:

220 tables containing:

One table for each of the Chart#, with details of all Non-stellar objects, Position and description.

Contains, 25895 galaxies, 1617 Open Clusters, 170 Globular Clusters, 14 Star Clouds, 377 Bright Nebulae, 367 Dark Nebulae, and 1144 Planetary Nebulae.

Hope this helps!

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