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Skywatcher O111 filter

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I noted that 'Doc' has made a request for one of these filters in the 'wanted' column. However, I am interested to know whether anyone has bought one and what is the opinion. I appreciate that the recommendation is only use an 8" scope or above but has anyone tried a smaller scope. Is the visual image ok or is it too dark. I am particular interested in a view through a 4" richfield APO refractor.


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Mark I have read everything I can about O111 and UHC filters. The Skywatcher ones all have very positive feedback. And quite a few people have said that they work better in large aperture scopes. Not saying they will not work in your scope.

What swayed me was the price. It seems for the money the Skywatchers are very good indeed.

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I had a Baader OIII for a while and used it in my 4" Vixen ED. It was certainly effective but it reduced the visibility of the stars to the point where the DSO (it's nebulae and planetaries in particular that OIII's excel at) was more or less all that was visable in the field of view. I have since learned that the Baader OIII has a narrower band pass than other OIII's but personally I like to have background stars visable so I'm sticking to an UHC (Orion Ultrablock) for now.


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The OIII and SII type filters are so narrow bandwidth that not much starlight get through!

The OIII can certainly help in identifying Planetary nebulae and will give an "alternate" view of some of the brigher nebulae... but they are primarily for imaging....

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I find OIII filters excellent. I wouldn't have seen the Veil Nebula without one, and they enhance many other nebulae significantly. I haven't used one much with smaller scopes, but how I see it is if the target is visible in a small scope in the first place, an OIII filter can only help.

Judging by the performance of the SW UHC, the OIII will fare well.


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Doc - Yes the price does look good. I meant to ask Steve/Flo if he had one at SGL4 but the evening went so fast I forgot. Anyway if you obtain a O111 filter can you try it out on your Tal refractor and give me an opinion.



I will Mark but you will have to wait till after Father's day.

Andrew I'm looking forward to seeing the Veil Nebula :icon_rolleyes:

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I've managed to find the Veil (the brigter eastern portion) with an 80mm F/5 refractor with a UHS filter - it was completely invisible without the filter.


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Many many moons ago, my brother gave me an OIII filter specifically to observe the Viel Neb in my 6" Synta Refractor. Tried it out from my back garden for a few night's, but no joy ;) Then at the Dower House sky camp (I did say many moons ago :)) sucsess :icon_rolleyes:. I was thrilled to bits.

At kelling Heath Heath this spring, I fitted me OIII to a fellow Astronomer's 5" Meade Apo and bearing in mind Cygnus was just above the horizon, we still managed to see the Veil.

The next test will be to try my 80mm ED refractor.

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