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SGL 2024 Challenge 4 - Walking on the Moon

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This is a re run of a challenge from last year which proved very popular.

Even experienced Lunar observers can still get goosebumps when they view the moon at high magnification.  It looks tantalisingly close, as if you could step onto the surface.  This challenge is to create this sensation in an image.  So we are looking for close up images of the lunar surface.  There are lots of distinctive features worth targeting and then there are curious  features created when the suns light hits the surface from a certain angle, the Lunar X being a classic.

If you have any queries about the challenge please contact me via PM rather than from within this thread.

Please provide information regarding how  you went about capturing your image including equipment used.

Start date 1st April 2024

End date 30th June 2024

No entries will be accepted after this date.

As previously the winner and runners up will receive an SGL challenge mug showing their image along with a virtual medal-of-honour for their SGL signature.

Please post entries directly into this thread

To keep the thread manageable for the judges please do not post comments about entries, emoji reactions are welcome of course.



All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). 
Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. 
Multiple entries are allowed but please make a fresh post within the thread.
Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted.

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  • MartinB pinned this topic
  • 4 weeks later...


This is the Gassendi crater and the Mare Humorum. Taken with my TAL 2M, ASI120MC-S ( 1 x 2 minute video using ASICAP ) and processed with PIPP, AutoStakkert and Registax with some tweaking in GIMP. I had hoped to use a 2x Barlow to get a more detailed view but the seeing was very "wobbly" and I didn't think that the image would be as good. I also like the composition of this one with the view of the whole Mare and the transition from bright sunlight at the top right to dark shadow at the bottom left.

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Sinus Fidei and Montes Alpes from 17/04/24, and Maurolycus from 15/04/24. Skywatcher 300P Flextube goto,  asi462mm, IR pass 685nm, 2.5x TV powermate.




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Ptolemaeus/Alphonsus/Arzachel from 17/04/24. Skywatcher 300P Flextube goto,  asi462mm, IR pass 685nm, 2.5x TV powermate.


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Mare Humorum and Gassendi crater.

Sky Watcher 200p reflector and Zwo 462mc with x2.5 Televue zoom lens and IR pass filter.

5000frames with firecapture. Best 15% stacked in autostakkert and then processed in Registax, finished in Photoshop CS.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A bit of a hike across the Moon - from Janssen & Valles Rheita to Petavius via Stevanis.  Equipment: Tal 200K & ZWO asi178 mc on a Vixen Super Polaris mount with a RA motor. Captured in Sharpcap (exposure 4.82 ms, gain 295) on May 12th at 20.52 hours. Processed in Autostakkert (best 33% of 1,000 frames), IMPPG & Gimp. 






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Posted (edited)

Here's Petavius, and the surounding area. Captured last night in twilight, all around 30% of 800 frames, captured with sharpcap, stacked in autostakkert 3, and post processed in astrosurface. The first shot was converted to monochrome in post processing. 

Altair Hypercam 585c, Bresser 10" dob (manual), and Stellalyra 2x 2" barlow.  On reflection I think perhaps my focus may not have been quite right.






Edited by Astronomist
I thought I had imaged langrenus! needless to say I was mistaken...
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Craters at the northern side of the moon (15/05/24). Skywatcher 300P Flextube goto,  asi462mm, IR pass 685nm, 2.5x TV powermate.




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Craters at the southern side of the moon (15/05/24). The image has been flipped 180 degrees to give a better perspective. Skywatcher 300P Flextube goto,  asi462mm, IR pass 685nm, 2.5x TV powermate.


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My contribution to this challenge! Images taken from Brazil.

Vallis and Montes Alpes

Last quarter moon, 63.2% illuminated


Equipment: SCT C11" + Powermate 2x + IR685nm + ASI462mc

Effetive focal lenght: 5600mm

Date: 2024-04-30


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Another contribution to this challenge!

Plato crater, Mons Pico

Last quarter moon, 63.2% illuminated


Equipment: SCT C11" + Powermate 2x + IR685nm + ASI462mc

Effetive focal lenght: 5600mm

Date: 2024-04-30


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This is my view of the south polar region of the moon on 19th May 2024.

The moon was waxing at 11.4 days old and 87.1% illuminated.

I used a Skywatcher 250mm f4.8 Newtonian, 5x TeleVue Barlow, ZWO ASI290MM Mini camera. A mosaic formed from 11 avi captures of 2000 frames each. Processed in Autostakkert, Registax and Photoshop. It's a big image so click on it for a big version.
I don't often image the moon, but was quite pleased with the result.


And here it is with a few craters labelled. Crater Newton, right near the bottom, almost disappears over the edge at certain stages of the lunar libration.


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Posted (edited)

Another go, this time from 18th May. Again, imaged in the Twilight at 9.30pm, Latitude 54 degrees North. Tal 200K & ZWO asi178mc. 

On show, the jewelled handle (Sinus Iridum), Plato, and top left  Philolaus, Anaxagoras & Goldschmidt.  Captured using Sharpcap (exposure 4.38 ms, gain 218).

Processed using Autotakkert, IMPPG & Gimp.  Best 35% of 1,000 frames.




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Posted (edited)

Date 16th May 24

Celestron 9.25

iPhone SE

Celestron Universal Adapter (Holder)

Software Used - IPhone SE (single frame)

Eyepiece - 8.6mm



Edited by Mikel56
Wrong Photo
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Another set of northern craters from the 15/05/24. Skywatcher 300P Flextube goto,  asi462mm, IR pass 685nm, 2.5x TV powermate.


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Copernicus and Tycho, Mare Imbrium
2024 5. 19.

Svbony MK105 telescope, ZWO ASI585MC camera, Skywatcher AZ-GTi mount 
Captured in ASICAP, stacked in Autostackkert 3.11, color enhanced in Photoshop.




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  • 3 weeks later...

The Atlas, Hercules and Endymion Craters taken on the 11th June - Crescent Moon.

Zwo ASI462MC camera with IR Filter and Powermate x2.5.  SW200P Classic. HEQ5 Mount. Firecapture software.

Best 20% of frames in Autostakkert. Processed in Registax and tweaked in Photoshop CS.


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The last minutes of the day...
Moon only 12% illuminated

Endymion crater projecting it´s own edge shadows over 50km inward.


2024-june-09    21:05h UT

SCT C11" @F/20 + ASI462mc


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Riccioli, seen in the center foreground, is just under 92 miles in diameter. Schlüter is the dark crater towards the left and just this side of the terminator. It is slightly over 55 miles in diameter. Notice the tip of the central peek catching the first tendrills of lunar dawn.

Captured June 21 at 12:48 a.m. during the 99.2% waxing phase.

Not very favorable seeing conditions for this amount of magnification/focal length.

Celestron C11 Edge HD, TeleVue Powermate 2.5, Player One Mars-M II camera, IR-850nm filter



Edited by Gary_V
Updated file type to display
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