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Hyperion eyepieces

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I am wanting to slowly build up a good collection of EPs, and am "jonesing" after one of these fine objects..

Baader Planetarium - Baader Hyperion 68 degree eyepiece

As this is quite expensive for someone who has dependants, it's quite likely I won't be able to afford other EPs for a long while - I want to ask which is the best size to get - I was thinking around 8 or 13mm, as I have a 2x Barlow. My telescope is an 8 inch Dobbo.

If anybody can suggest a cheaper alternative, I'd be grateful of any suggestions!

Thanks. :icon_rolleyes:

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Hi Sam,

I currently have an 8mm and am looking to get the 13mm.

I have read (here) that the Hyperions don't work that well with barlows as they already have a integral barlow (sort of...) built into the design. Saying that, my 8mm seems to barlow fine...

What EPs do you currently have?

What are your favourite targets?

8mm best for planets (I prefer a 5mm for a mag of X240)

13mm for a wider field of view.

What about a 16mm UWAN (I'd go for one of these if I had the funds ;) )

Dependents eh? Who needs em..... :icon_rolleyes:



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Hi Sam.

I am in the same position as yourself with not alot of spare cash and started to collect the hyperion range of eyepieces.

I have used the 21mm and the 8mm and they are very well made eyepieces. In my F4.5 dob they do show alot of field curvature and coma is evident in all but the centre FOV and this is the reason I'm going to slowly add better eyepieces to my collection.

You could also add a MPCC as well.

If your scope is slower then mine coma might not be a problem. As I say for the money the views are excellent, very bright and contrasty.

Hope this helps.

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There are no noticeable coma aberrations with my 24mm on my SCT, Doc, but then it's a lot slower than your dob.

Sarah and Luke had quite a collection of the Hyperions on C6S Alley at SGL4, and people were very impressed.

The Zoom isn't bad either.

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Thanks for your responses - Doc, thanks for the thumbs up on the Hyperions and the coma issues.

Hi Sam,

What EPs do you currently have?

Um LOL, I have the humble SW 10mm and 25mm that came with the telescope. Saying that, they are pretty good.

What are your favourite targets?

All time faves, DSOs with a magnitude of 9-10, until the planets are in view towards the end of the year.

What about a 16mm UWAN (I'd go for one of these if I had the funds :) )

Gosh yeah, they look great. :D

Dependents eh? Who needs em..... :icon_rolleyes:



Hahaahahaha, true, but they need me, so...;):)

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There are no noticeable coma aberrations with my 24mm on my SCT, Doc, but then it's a lot slower than your dob.

Sarah and Luke had quite a collection of the Hyperions on C6S Alley at SGL4, and people were very impressed.

The Zoom isn't bad either.

Most eyepieces work well at f/10 :icon_rolleyes:


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Considering your existing EPs 10 / 25 (5 / 12.5 with the barlow) and you penchant for DSOs.... save up for the UWAN 16mm :icon_rolleyes:

Good luck with what ever you choose (I'm no expert by the way)



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Does that include the 8mm?

Mine at F4.8 doesn't seem too bad.........

It is more apparent in the 21mm but still evident in the 8mm.

Don't get me wrong the hyperion range are a step up to the normal plossl's but do have drawbacks in faster scopes.

When I use them in my F10 refractor there's no coma and they are great.

Fast scopes are unforgiving with eyepieces. You need good quality ones to bring the best out of your scope.

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Hi Sam, if you haven't already got a low magnification, widefield eyepiece, I'd go for either the 24 or 17 (the 21 has a smaller field of view that the 17 almost covers with greater magnification). I've used mine in a variety of scopes and whilst they do show some abberations at f5, at f6 and slower (I'm guessing your 8" dob is a f6 model) they pretty darn good.


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I got the 17mm and have screwed off the bottom barlow which gives 21mm I think. I was pleased with result. Was particluarly good for ring nebula which was small and blinked away with my 32mm Panaview. Straight change with the 2" end and Ring stayed in sight.

Is the 24 much better than the the 17mm minus barlow?

Thanks Brian

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