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Bat, Squid, Sea Horse, Fireworks and NGC6939.


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After @gorann spotted that he had the data to combine a Bat image with a Fireworks image, Paul Kummer and I found that we could do likewise with one more filler panel. Here's the result.  I also found, at last, my 10 year-old CCD Tak106 OIII linear data for OU4, the Squid. Despite having 24x30 minutes of OIII, the signal was weak but brutal stretching using the X-suite software allowed me to get far more out of it than I did originally. It was added to green and blue in Photoshop using Blend Mode Screen, heavily clipped. (I usually use Blend Mode Lighten.) This is the only narrowband in the image. Paul drove the scope and stacked up the data, I did the post processing and the OIII. The galaxy has also been very gently enhanced using a TEC 140 image.



The big version is here.  https://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Emission-Nebulae/i-ct23L2q/A

Thanks to Goran for the good idea.



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1 hour ago, old_eyes said:

Good job on the Squid Olly. I have tried to get that over and over again, but so far you can see it is there, but nothing like the impact you have produced. Perhaps I need to go back and brutalise it some more!



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