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Hello from Central Coast


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Hello everyone....I am new to Astronomy.  My dad spent several years as an amateur Astronomer. I believe this was my dad's quiet time and we were never included. I am now 59 years old and had a motorcycle hobby that has left me battered and broken. So looking for a nice relaxing hobby I can enjoy with my daughter who lives in Maine.  I purchased her a Celestron 8 se and I purchased a used Celestron 8 inch evolution. I am looking forward to a great adventure I can share with my family and especially my daughter in Maine.

Edited by Machinetools1
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Thank you for the welcome mat. I am reading and trying to understand what the different types of eyepieces are and the dedicated jobs they do.  When I purchased my scope, it had the Starsense auto align and this sure makes setting up a lot easier.  I have some eye pieces that I acquired from my dad, just trying to figure out their job duties. Some of the concepts are foreign to me but I will pick it up the more I dive into Astronomy and read through the forum.  Thanks for the invite.

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Welcome, you have a good couple of telescopes there that are very capable. I'm no expert on eyepieces, but the simple explanation is: the longer the eyepiece focal length, the lower the magnification. So for looking at something like a planet, you would want a shorter length eyepiece, such as 9mm, and for looking at fainter extended objects like nebulae, a longer length such as 32mm is better. But try them all and find your own preferences.

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Thanks for the reply's.  I have been searching this forum for a minute and there are some very good topics for beginners.  Its very refreshing to see the help of the other members helping newbies.  As I look through this forum it is evident that newbies can benefit a great deal from the information given.


Thank you

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