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Jupiter animation from 9/9/23


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I put an animation together from the excellent seeing I had on 9 September. It is from 311-358 UTC.  8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter and 2.5x TV powermate. Resized to 120%. Registax, Astrosurface and PIPP for the gif.





Edited by Kon
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6 hours ago, morimarty said:

Some great consistant detail in this animation Kostas. It must be very difficult manually tracking?

Thanks Martyn, it shows how good the seeing was that morning. Manual tracking is ok, a bit fiddly. As my wife says ' I am a very patient man!'😂

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3 hours ago, Chris-h said:

Where are you finding this great seeing? I just get a mess everytime I am out! 😁 Great animation!

Thanks Chris. It has been of the few rare occasions that the weather played ball; at the end of this session the sky was all clouded up so I think I got lucky. It also helps that Jupiter is high up for us this year.

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