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'Sadr & Cygnus Wall Region' widefield Canon 200mm

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I was experimenting the previous night with a Canon 6D and 70-200mm f4 Canon Zoom Lens.

I wanted to see if this zoom lens was any good for 'astro' as it seems that the Samyang 135mm holds a monopoly in this area??

Anyway, I mounted the camera and zoom lens on the star adventurer and aimed it at the Sadr region - hoping to catch some nebula as I wasn't concerned too much on positional accuracy (impending clouds etc).

I extended the lens to 200mm with aperture of f5 and Camera ISO 1600. I managed 60 shots of 60secs duration that looked okay for processing (I added 15 darks too - no flats).

Image was stacked in Sequator and processed in Photoshop CS.

I was quite happy with how it turned out. There is some star distortion / coma in the corners (esp. bottom right) if you magnify but not too noticeable.

I know stepping down the aperture can reduce coma which is where a star adventurer comes in handy.  As long as I use this lens with a star adventurer I don't think I'd need bother with a Samyang 135mm.

Does anyone else have thoughts about this??


'Sadr Cygnus Region' Image:




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It's always amazing what you can capture, you've got some interesting details in there and the lens seems to perform well.

As to the question about considering the Samyang 135, it's a different piece of glass, you can usually use said lens at around F2.8, you'll be astonished how many stars/signal it can capture in a short amount of time. I always say it's one of the best optical pieces for AP full stop beating many a scope.

No issue using what you have, I often use 50+ year old Takumars.

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2 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Great image - it looks like you have a very usable setup there, I’d say. The Samyang is great because if it’s speed, but as you say, with the tracker and patience you can make so with what you have. 

the key to a great photographer is not their equipment but how they use it!  you are exactly right,  OP has an very good set up and i hope they continue to produce results as good as the ones above!  

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Thanks for the positive comments. They encourage me to keep trying  and making the best of equipment I already have. So easy to spend £££’s in this hobby!! I may have another image to  put up tomorrow (this time with Canon Lens at about 135mm zoom) so as to include more of the sky - similar to the Samyang!!!  Clouds are a problem tonight though, so we’ll see??🤞

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