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Starting out with guiding

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Ok, I have bought the ZWO bundle from FLO. 

It's mounted on my 8" edge. I have PHD2 installed and everything thing it needs to communicate with my mount, which it does. My biggest issue by far is achieving focus. I've got it close, but to get it right eludes me. Is there a decent alternative with focuser? I don't mind paying out some money, but I don't want to just pay out £££££'s for another telescope when a cheap alternative is available. I've had a look at off axis guiding, and although it would be good, I also want to be able to swap the guide camera between my 8" and 12" SCT's with the minimum of fuss.

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4 hours ago, Happysolderer said:

I have bought the ZWO bundle from FLO.

I am assuming you mean this.

I used to own the same setup but became frustrated with how difficult it was to obtain focus. The focus ring would need to be a near full extension and every time I would go to lock the focus position with the locking ring the focus would move. Arghh!

I now own the WO equivalent (also a pain to focus) but fitted https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-125-helical-focuser.html to assist and for me it works a treat. In fact it works so well I bought two - one for my second WO guide scope.





Edited by Adreneline
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"I've had a look at off axis guiding, and although it would be good, I also want to be able to swap the guide camera between my 8" and 12" SCT's with the minimum of fuss."

Why ?

Just swap the complete OAG setup between OTAs, focus the imaging camera,  and you're ready to go !

Much easier than having to swap the guidescope, or having to buy a guidescope for each OTA.


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I've got the SVbony version of that guidescope (cheaper than the zwo one but generally the same). Yes it is a pain to focus first time as it also takes a while to screw from fully closed to fully open. But once done, leave the camera in the guidescope, that's what I've done and for around two years it hasn't lost focus and I setup and break down every time across multiple setups.

A better guidescope I bought in addition was the Altair 50mm 205mm FL length one with a built in helical focuser. More aperture means it resolves more stars and the helical focuser means setting up fresh every time takes around 20s to reach focus when inserting the guide camera from fresh.

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I assume that's a 120/220 mini guide camera, if it's anything like my 290, it came with a thin and thick black extension piece screwed onto the end of the camera. If the thin ring is screwed onto the end of the camera first, then the thicker ring, my 290 needs to be inserted around where the two black rings meet approximately. It looks like you've pushed it all the way, depending on how much you've extended the objective lens the focal plane is further back. You can set this up close during the day, just keep your image exposures short so you can see what you're focusing on (a far off tree or pylon).

Edited by Elp
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Glad this is sorted. With that guide scope, you twist the red ring and the body of the guide scope  in opposite directions to use the helical focus function. Then tighten to fix focus. This has caught out many people as no instructions are sent out. Clear skies! 

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