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Bright targets ; light sky


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All over light sky even past midnight , only the brightest targets on view. Lovely 15C night with no dew and the lightest of breeze. “Yard Cannon “C6r on parade.
Saturn first up , rings fairly closed but a really dark band across the planet surface . Then Jupiter and transit of the GRS. The southern belt again looked very light . Caught the blue disc of Neptune . Then had a look around . The Summer Triangle was just past zenith , Andromeda and Pegasus dominated the east . Cassiopeia and Perseus riding the north . A long gaze at the double cluster , never fails !

Up to the “blue snowball” NGC7662 and a lovely view , give it x200. Then “blue flash “in Delphinus. NGC 6905 and it does flash . 
M2 (Aquarius)was low in the south , but gave a lot of granulation . As did M15 hanging off the end of Pegasus. 
last time out , I had a stunning early view of M11 and a glimpse of HD140283 ( the Methuselah star) in Libra. 
Had a drift through the clusters of Cassiopeia, kept retuning to the planets . 
so much noise in the early hours from town . Yelling , car and motorbike racing etc. don’t know what pleasure they get . Not as much as from a warm night with great bright things . Just a single Perseid,

clearer skies .


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Nice report, I read these with a degree of envy creeping in due to being clouded over for over seven weeks now 🙄. I am really looking forward to the planets being back on the rota again as i spend an inordinate amount of time on them. Thanks for posting 👍.

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