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Sun at its dimmest for century!


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BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Quiet Sun' baffling astronomers

makes you wonder whats going on up there and the 11 year cycle! Does this mean we are in for another mini ice-age if this continues?

Just goes to show how you can never ever ever predict, model or simulate nature!

Im just waiting for the global warmists & climate scientists to find a confusing way of blaming mankind for the change ;-)

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The reason for the lack of sunspots is that a year or more ago I decided to put a solar filter on my Newt, and look for some. There haven't been any sunspots since. The Sun God is really [removed word] at me for some reason.

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Did you read all of the article Dave? It pretty much answered everything you raised. It says we've been until recently at the peak of solar activity and are now entering the downturn period of the proposed "larger" cycle since 1985... 20+ yrs of "dimming" while our global temps have been rising... at this stage the two are apparently unrelated... but this might change in a 100yrs or so..

interesting.. and no doubt we'll hear more in times to come.

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Quiet Sun' baffling astronomers

makes you wonder whats going on up there and the 11 year cycle! Does this mean we are in for another mini ice-age if this continues?

Just goes to show how you can never ever ever predict, model or simulate nature!

Im just waiting for the global warmists & climate scientists to find a confusing way of blaming mankind for the change ;-)

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Of course it does prove what WE all know. All over the world ever more sun scopes are pointing at the sun so it goes all coy. Same as happens with the stars when we get a new scope. But in this case there are lots of new people with these scopes so lots of reaction from the sun.

This happened before when the telescope was invented triggering a mini ice age as astronomers back then looked at the sun as they did not know better until they all realised that it ruined your eyesight.

And to add to all these modern scopes those Americans have put Stereo up staring at the sun all the time. It gets no privacy anymore - no wonder it is sulking and has turned the gas down!


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