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Hi All

Thank you all for your kind support. My site isn't let me reply to individual replys so will try this way. 

Steviedvd, Elp and second time Around. 

The mak was purchased on a visa card paid for by the wife as a present. We both retired from the nhs early and on small pensions getting by        ( genuinely not looking for any sympathy) so more angry and frustrated with Rvo as they do have very good reviews. I have never gotten angry with them and have remained diplomatic at all times. I am just gobsmacked at how they are behaving. The only thing that I can think of is that the mak may have been used and returned prior to me purchasing it. Initially the mak gave fantastic views that I can only describe as HD quality with no severe back focusing problems or vignetting of any kind but quickly deteriorated. I have resigned myself knowing that I will not be able to fully use this scope to it's optimum level again which has left me sickened and shocked. 

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Hello Kenneth and welcome to SGL.

The focus movement change is far greater on a Maksutov than a refractor so it could be normal ?

Perhaps you could take your scope to your local astronomy club and ask them to check it out ?

Sadly it’s not unusual to get debris on the rear of the front lens, however the whole front section simply unscrews allowing you to use a blower brush to remove dust etc.

You should not have to do this on a new scope but it could be worth trying as a last resort.

Hope that helps.



Edited by dweller25
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Hi oddsocks

All I can say is wow. Not heard of this before. Had my first reflector in the 70s which got me hooked but never a mak. What's baffling is that at first the focusing was a nightmare in what I now know is back focusing but I eventually got focus there was no vignetting what's so ever. The focusing and vignetting became much worse very quickly left/right and top/bottom of the eyepieces. 

I will certainly look into your kind advice and thankyou. 

I have just had a reply from the seller who has agreed to collect the scope to be sent back to skywatcher. 


Edited by Kenneth Spackman
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Hi dweller25

Thank you for replying 

I have compared my 127mm maksutov telescope with my brothers and my friends 180mm mak and their mak's are spot on. My focusing knob is very light with little or no tension when turning to focus. I have even utilised a peg for fine focusing but the weight of the peg which is light plastic turns the knob itself out of focus.

In regards to narrow field of view this mak is not bad. I am using 66 and 70 degree eyepieces which initially gave fantastic views. The vignetting is new and getting worse as is the focusing. 

I normally start off with a 15mm eyepiece and go to 9mm which gives me 40 seconds for the planets to cross my field of view. The 7.5mm gives me 30 seconds. The 6mm gives me about 20 seconds all at first with great views. I have taken this scope further with a 5mm giving about 9 seconds however, no longer able to do this as the mak's focusing became worse and then vignetting became a massive problem. 


Edited by Kenneth Spackman
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33 minutes ago, Kenneth Spackman said:

I have compared my 127mm maksutov telescope with my brothers and my friends 180mm mak and their mak's are spot on. My focusing knob is very light with little or no tension when turning to focus. I have even utilised a peg for fine focusing but the weight of the peg which is light plastic turns the knob itself out of focus.

That doesn't sound good. It is not unheard of for the primary mirror to become detached from the focusing mechanism.

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As Peter says, it sounds like your focuser is not connected properly, no way would a plastic peg overcome the weight of the mirror when focusing.

I see the supplier is now trying to help you so I hope you get the issue resolved 👍

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Hi cornelious varley and dweller 25. Thank you both for replying. It has been an absolute nightmare focusing so reading recommendations on this site in regards to using a clothes line peg for fine tuning I tried it in the hope it would help but no. I first tried a wooden peg clipped it to the focuser knob and it's weight immediately turned the focuser knob half way. So tried a very light plastic peg and it did the same. Any way, the seller has arranged collection next week and for the mak to be looked at. 

Both take care

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21 hours ago, Kenneth Spackman said:

Any way, the seller has arranged collection next week and for the mak to be looked at. 

Yay! Glad to hear you're getting some sort of resolution from the seller.:hello2:

Keep us informed.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi to all the people that gave me some advice in regards to problems with focuser on my new mak 127mm.

Just an update. The mak has been sent back to the manufacturer for testing/fault finding. The seller has kindly sent a replacement mak 127mm on loan untill mine is sorted. The focusing and focuser knob on this loaned mak is working superbly making focusing a delight. 

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You would be entitled to a replacement if the scope, regardless, under the Sale of Goods Act.  The scope you bought is not fit for purpose and not of merchantable quality.

If you're happy with the loan scope you've been given, just tell the vendor that you'll keep that one as a replacement and that you won't involve your local trading standards.  That should sort it for you.

Keep at it.  As a SW127 mak owner myself, they are cracking scopes! Enjoy.

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